Cameo Hair loads with No Textures! Please HELP

I'm very new to Dazstudio, and i'm doing a job for a client where i have to replicate a scene done by someone else for her. I'm using the Victoria 4.2 base figure
I then purchased the Cameo Hair and used the Dazstudio installer to install the product
But unfortunately once i load the hair model into my scene, it appears as just a grey mesh with no textures. There's no read me file that i can find and i haven't been able to find any answers anywhere else.
I tried just changing the colors in the "Surfaces (color)" panel and that doesn't really do much good, and then i thought maybe i needed to just render my scene and it would show the applied textures. Nope. I'm not sure what to do now?
I've attached a screenshot of my model as well as my folder system as the Dazstudio installer setup.

You should be looking in the 'Pose' folder in Poser Formats for the materials and morphs I think.
They will be PZ2 files in the Pose folder in the same Runtime.
Another gotcha — some hair, clothes, props etc. actually do load untextured. You load the item then add the texture from the selection available.