Building props for D|S 4

Dear sir,
I need to build some props for personal use in D|S 4, like stairs, benches, etc. I use Trimble SketchUp 8 Pro, but sometimes, when i import the prop i made, the result is not what i whiched, or wanted. So, i want to put you a question. Which is the best software to build props for Daz ?
Any modelling program that can export in the Wavefront OBJ format will do.
I tried Hexagon which is free and had a terrible experience with it, others swear by it and it's been rock solid for them and it's integrated to work with Studio. I use and prefer Blender now just because there are so many resources and tutorials and collage courses free on the web that you can usually get past the terrifying interface in about a day, then the only obstacle are the 3D purists who tell you your not a real modeler because it's free and you need to buy Maya for $3,000.00.
Blender and Hexagon seem to be the 2 most popular.
I prefer Hexagon but that's because I can't wrap my head around Blender's UI, my failing not the programs.
You can use Sketchup but it has some oddities for getting the object out and back into Daz - as you've seen. There are a couple of threads around on importing objects from the 3d Warehouse in Sketchup into Daz so you might try googling that.
I tried to teach myself blender prior to 4.9 and could not get that interface either, after 2.5 it got a huge facelift and no longer looks like you're planning a mission to Mars.
Here are some steps I slapped together with an array.