Double Frames

Not sure if this would be better in Animation or this group (since it is about Animation but about how to do it specifically using Daz Studio:
I recreated a animation sequence which I saved as an aniBlock. The problem is that the sequence is too short and thus too quick. Is there a quick way to say double the number of frames in a sequence (i.e. double each frame) without using the Add Length functionality and then shifting all the key frames manually?
For example, if the original sequence had frames 1K,2F,3F,4F,5K,6F,7F,8F,9K (where K are key frames and F are extrapolated frames) then I would like to end up with something like 1K,1K,2F,2F,3F,3F,4F,4F,5K,5K,6F,6F,7F,7F,8F,8F,9K,9K.
This would allow me to just go in and remove the second key frame and quickly double the sequence length of my sequence.
Otherwise I would have to use the Add Length function and then move each key frame to the new position. This would be fine for a short sequence but would be a real pain for a longer sequence.
Have you tried to change speed eg 100% to 50 % of the aniblock which you want to extend?
it change (1K 2 3 4 5K 6 7 8 9 10K) to (1K 1' 2 2' 3 3' 4 4' 5K 5' 6 6' 7 7' 8 8' 9 9' 10K 10')
thouhg when you save the aniblock, it return the time as 100%, but we can change speed about each aniblock
in time line.
and if you record the aniblock to daz timeline with change speed, it do not care how you set aniblock speed,
so simply copy each frame.
then you re-bake the timeline to aniblock, it make extended aniblock.
(but it set key of each interporation frame about all frames , it happen when you bake aniblock to daz timeline, I think)
Thanks for the info. I have not tried that. I will play with that and see if that will resolve my problem. Obviously changing the speed will work for my scene but I would like to try the second part of your suggestion to "re-bake" the aniBlock so that it will become permanently slower.
I don't remember what's it called, but there is a free script by Casual to alter frame speed. His site is here: there's a very long list of scripts on the left bar, as well as a link to part 2 of his scripts and other freebies.
Thanks but the above suggestion to use the "Speed" parameter and then re-saved. That seems to have resolved the issue.
Now if I can only get Daz to co-operate and stop destroying my sequence, then I could finally get to implementing my movie.