Making a part of an object bigger


I have this candle that is one objekt and dosen't have the ability to just select the flame. But I'd like to make the flame bigger. How can I do that?


439 x 612 - 63K


    1. Select the candle
    2. Create>New dForm
    3. Select the field and move it away completely
    4. Move the base up to the bottom of the flame
    5. Select the dForm (which is parented to the base) and scale it up
    6. Tools>Node Weight Map Brush
    7. Tool Settings pane - click the Add Map buuton next to Influence Weights
    8. Right-click in the Viewport>Geometry Selection>Select by Surface>Flame surface
    9. Right-click>Weight Editing>Fill Selected, set the value to 1

    That should scale the flame - if there are muliple surfaces in the flame you may need to repeat steps 8 and 9

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