My attempts at Daz art

Okay, I've been messing around with Daz now for a little while, and I thought it was time I share some of what I've done. I'll try to start with the first stuff I did and then go to some things I've made recently. Bear in mind that I only have the Genesis figure, and I recently got Aiko 3. Also, I only have the clothes that came with the program, so right now I have to use what I've got. I've downloaded some props, scenes and sets, but I've tried to do the best with what I have. Some may notice that I haven't done anything with the render settings. I've just been trying to get the hang of doing lighting and shadow.
Anyway, here you go -
This is the very first thing I did:

799 x 449 - 201K
Here is a close up version I did so I could get a better look at the rendered figures:
The floating figure here was actually a mistake, but I thought it looked cool, given that I used the alien head morph:
Here, I've used the same setting, but I wanted to see if I could get away with using multiple figures:
Here is one of the sets I got, and again we have our alien figure. Leave it to an alien to usurp our smartphone technology, LOL!
I decided to try the dragon with this one. I've scaled him down, obviously, but I think the effect is still there. This was actually my own variation on the "Dragonslayer" scene.
This is another set I got, and I decided to give Aiko a try as well. My only issue with this one is Genesis' shadow on the wall. It just looks like some weird blob floating on the wall. I've done about 5 different versions of this, just trying to get the lighting right.
I just finished this one tonight. I thought I'd try my hand at a sky and extra stuff for the background.