Animating a swimming shark, snake or an arrow

I'm trying to animate an arrow to show the flow of air through a a series of pipes. This is similar to a shark or a snake animated through a motion path with the whole lenght of the Shark or snake running through the path.
I'd check everywhere Youtube, Goggle etc. but can not find any. I saw some shark Carrara animation on the web but they were not smooth and flowing.
This method is available in FormZ but I do not want to use Form Z. I like to do it in Carrara 8 Pro.
Thank you
Is the arrow supposed to flex and bend, or is it rigid and just follows the path of the pipes?
I guess you would need target helpers for the rigged bones of a Daz figure snake to track which can then follow the path
and arrow prop might need to be boned and this done too
some thing like this -
I'm guessing particles would be the way to go for this adventure.
1. Make your models
a. Series of tubes (connected or NOT?)
b. Model the arrow (flat for non-realistic look or realistic archer's arrow?)
2. Group the particle emitter, perhaps fire (sphere shape) to the arrow.
3. Make an animation path that follows the contour of the tubes.
4. Run play on timeline
5. Render
6. Adjust, etc.
Thank you for your responses. I'll give it a try and post the results.