How do you go about creating weapon's fire in post?

I have little clue how one would accomplish this... I have an idea for an image that I'd like to realize, but as I'm completely unpracticed in post work, I'd love some idea as to how to approach it.
I really really like all of Ron's Photoshop tools for post work - brushes and psds - if you're using Photoshop.
check out
Also, search for deviney in the store... for all his brushes. Very cool stuff.
And checkout tutorials on Photoshop Brushes - invaluable for post SFX work
Here is a free tutorial on that:
And of course you'll have to learn layers and the various way to blend them if not familiar with that.
Good luck and have fun!
If your not dead set on adding it in post work, there are also some options for adding it to your render.
There is a free pack available here:
Its called explosions and muzzle flash kit, I've used it a couple of times and it works fine if you scale them up or down as needed.
I have used FX Lab Pro ( no longer available ), Hit Film, and Filter Forge to create muzzle flash effects, none are free, but they work well
It will be very difficult if you do not have any imaging software............but, as you mentioned "post" I am guessing that you do have something suitable and which can handle PNG's and layers.
Can you let me know what software you intend to use? ;-)
I hope you don't mind me asking but I just downloaded that set myself but I can't seem to get it to work. I assumed All I needed to do is merge the runtime folders but I can't fine the props. Did I don something wrong?
I hope you don't mind me asking but I just downloaded that set myself but I can't seem to get it to work. I assumed All I needed to do is merge the runtime folders but I can't fine the props. Did I don something wrong?
From memory they are in the poser library under chris's explosions or something like that. Im on the road for the next couple of days and don't have access to my runtime to check sorry.
If you can't find them I'll be able to check on monday or tuesday for you.