Some of the products below do not have all the required options. Please edit them and configure all

what does this mean? I just put a few F5 things in my cart tried to checkout and got this message. anyone else having this?
Love esther
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what does this mean? I just put a few F5 things in my cart tried to checkout and got this message. anyone else having this?
Love esther
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The Freak 5 doesn't love me -(
When I add the bundle to the cart, I just get "Please specify product link(s)." as an error.
And now I got "Please specify the product's required option(s)."
Anyone successfully bought it, or am I just to trigger happy?
It's deja vu for me. I discovered the starter bundle in the store last week and it wouldn't load into the store then either. Grrr.
I am getting the same message :(
If you buy all of the items individually in the pro bundle at the current PC sale price they total to $107.55
PC pro bundle price is only: $48.98
Waving credit card.. I'm ready to buy as soon as the carting issue is fixed!!!
Hands up if you thought a working site was a priority over a flashy new looking one. ;)
I tried putting it in my card to wait for Friday and get:
"Please specify the product's required option(s)." Which is the same thing differently phrased.
I'll see if it will let me put it in the cart tomorrow. It didn't make even a peep in protest to my carting the items that aren't part of the bundle.
My message definitely says Please specify product link(s). :( :(
Hmm, just received a newsletter (two duplicates) in thank you for supporting V5 & M5 so get an extra 10% off Freak 5 at checkout. No more details than that, so am wondering if the bundles are included. Anybody get similar promo in the past so know?
EDIT: Ah, never mind. Added bundle to cart (despite the link problem) and discount is there. Sweet.
You can add it to your cart now, but you can finish the purchase.
"Some of the products below do not have all the required options. Please edit them and configure all the required options."
I got two duplicate emails too. Only mine say 15% for the support of Freak 4.
Well it sounds like somebody is working on it.. !!
I got a similar e-mail with a 15% discount because I have bought Freak 4 in the past. Actually, that´s also 2 identical e-mails, like in your case.
I'm getting the same message, but a $25 price, less a discount for some $22 for the bundle, but that's as far as I can go. Sigh. Just past midnight - I suppose those magic prices will disappear by morning.
I just tried to make a different purchase, after removing the Freak bundle from my cart. Doesn't seem like it will go past "Order Processing."
Seems to work now "Freak 5 Pro Bundle was added to your shopping cart."
I doubt it. Check your cart and see if you can check out.
It adds but doesn't work to check out.
It adds but doesn't work to check out.
Just came that far.. lol! Before In got the message when trying to add it, but now it's in the cart (a small step for human kind)
It's all deja vu from the last site upgrade.
You know it occurs to me that the presence of an editable "Quantity" field on the order page is the height of stupidity. Since you can only ever buy one of any item. And that any attempt to by more than one incurs an error.
Why even have an available field if its only function is to return an error?
It seems as if DAZ Store isn't in good mood?! today ... once again. ;)
Don't worry, be happy.
I removed everything from my cart and put it back but I still see that message. should I just ignore it?
You just can't buy any Freak 5 Produts .. until DAZ can repair the Shop / Links to Product, what ever went wrong.
okay, so none of the sales will run out if i wait until tomorrow then? Guess I have not choice if it isn't working hey. thanks.
I don't know what DAZ thinks about their sales and customers not being able to buy .....
But yeah, as we have no other chioce, we have to wait and see what happens and when. ;)
Got this in my cart, but I am wondering if they will have a Freak 5 Pro Suite & I should wait. lol
But it is at a good price.
"Some of the products below do not have all the required options. Please edit them and configure all the required options.
Freak 5 Pro Bundle
* Please specify product link(s)"
well I don't think anyone will change their minds and not buy it after having a good night's sleep, so they don't really lose anything. Just some technical hitch I imagine.
At the moment there is nobody who can buy any Freak items.
I got a E-Mail to go buy them & have the pro bundle in my cart with the other textures that goes with it.
It might not let me check out, but they shouldn't of sent the E-Mail if not. lol
It is doing me the same way.
Guess all we can do is wait. ;)
I take it you have seen this thread :
It appears to be a glitch of some kind, and I am sure DAZ will get it sorted when they get into work. Unfortunalely, it is around 4:00 am there at the moment, why can't veryone just use the same time zone :)