D.I.Y. Lights Bundle problem

I have the D.I.Y Lights Bundle, currently using Daz 4.5
I am able to use the preset lights and all the others individually, but when I try to mix and match lights it doesn't work.
example: if i use an ambient light, then try adding a shadow light, it replaces the first light rather than adding to it.
This sort of defeats the purpose of the item, since I can only seem to use the presets it comes with.
I really like these lights but could use some help figuring out how to fix this.
I have installed both Poser and Daz files, just incase...
I have recently uninstalled Daz and all content (for a different reason), then started reinstalling things, and this product still does the same thing.
I believe it is control-click in windows and command-click on a mac that adds a light rather than replaces... a little menu should show up giving you the choice
I don't have this set, but, on the Product Page it says this comes with it, have you read it?
Yep... thanks. It's nice when something is so simple. But, then I feel like an idiot for not having figured it out. (or having forgotten about the manual) LOL
thanks again.
Just as an FYI -- This is not exclusive to the D.I.Y. Lights. I've seen the same thing happen when I try to add from other light sets when I already have lights I've created in the scene. The Ctrl/Command+Click option was a heaven sent option when I discovered it on the old forums. :-)