Can no longer change the face on Gen

Only change I made was to install the Genesis Bot and all of a sudden I can't get the mouth to open, or anything else on the face to move. The expressions work, but things like "open mouth" and "brow down" do nothing. Sliders are moving, nothing locked, but there is no change.
Turns out that the Sub-Components no longer have the "ERC[DeltaAdd]>Genesis..." for anything pertaining to the mouth, eyes and just about any part of the face!
And that is on the base Genesis figure. I've tried to re-install and got no where.
Essentially, my Genesis figures are all "face frozen"!
Help! I don't want to have to try and edit the code for the figure on my own.
go to your base figure, and look at Currently Used under parameters. See if there are active morphs that prevent these things from moving... I had this problem with the BruteX... I don't know this will be the problem, but it's worth checking.
Looks like I've got a bad directory for the base figure. The re-install did not correct it. I'm running a full check on the drive now. Hopefully I won't have a brick.