Whats automatic..systematic..hydromatic..and free?

Why it's the Warped Wheelie Bins and all are free!
The Cop with accurate details, like "To Polish & Clean" Logos.
Also includes another useful free prop, the short section of motorway as seen in the promo image.

1024 x 768 - 190K
The Boy Racer, for those who like fast and furious. Packing a massive V8, with racing slicks, spoiler and shiny exhuasts. All in a traditional colour scheme. Big thanks to the UKHC car club in Southport for the use of your logo.
The Fire Bingine version, perfect for fire stations on top of steep hills.
This also comes with another extra handy freebie, the simple street. This prop is for where you need to create a street scene quickly and simply. Just add a "face-on" photo of your street to the top part of the prop. The sign can be easily hidden by making it invisible in your render settings.
Note: Best rendered straight on. To easily simulate background movement, use a motion trail filter in your painting software on the background image.
The Mescherbin 109. With a big piston engine and one colour scheme. Scheme includes historically precise details such as swastiki logo with cuddly bunny ear slippers and shot down rubber ducks targets painted on. Naughty nazi penguins not included, as they've been sent to bed early.
Paramedic CamBinulance :)
Also shows the simple street and motorway.
Finally the Has Bins, for when even wheelies bins find it all too much :)
Included in the set is Burnie, and the 15 Ton Weight.
Cliff by Traveller, and flying green bin, not included.
Note: During construction I goofed and somehow managed to reverse the main body map. Probably hit a hot-key in the mapper. You'll just have to reserve any maps you make if you re-texture. Apart from this glitch it's all cool, rest of the parts are all OK.
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thank you !
Lol, these are great! Thank you :lol:
Penguins are only 'naughty' in the eyes of the greatest evil of the age...M$...
I sooooooooo want that penguin...
The bins are nice, too...
As always :)
Himself is wondering about my fits of laughter this early on a Monday morning. :coolsmile:
This gets the award for most unique content I've ever seen. Hilarious. I forsee wacky hijinx in the near future.
What a great concept and follow through. Very inventive and creative. Love the sense of humor.
Thanks for the feedback everyone, Glad to read you're all enjoying the models and the silliness :)
mjc1016 - it's sold here - made by 3dUniverse - the masters of toon!
Added to wish list...
Thank you this is great.