money from Youtube

has anybody gotten any?

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has anybody gotten any?
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no monies :(
Nope. No money. I WISH!
What would it be from, advertising? I've always been curious how people monetize popular YouTube accounts.
yes, and ofcourse no-one clicks on ADs!
bit of a farce really
Income is not generated based on the number of adverts shown but when someone actually clicks on the advert and visits the vendor's website. So ask yourself, how many people do you know who don't just click 'Skip this ad'? Personally I have never visited an add link from a YouTube video so I think you'd need a real viral video (like tens of millions of views) to make a few bucks. Then there's the copyright and ownership issue as well. YouTube ain't gonna pay you dime for putting a funny Bart Simpson clip on the internet because you don't own the material. So always make sure when there's room for doubt that you make it explicitly clear that you are indeed the legal owner of the material you are displaying.
1) Make sure your target audience has interest in purchasing things related to your content. Viewers just there to view anything to pass the time are not shoppers.
2) Compose your own music for the vids. That is tied into number one. (Somehow. Lol.)
In other words, raising hand here on significant other’s behalf, since yes, monthly income is had, (I do not mean in penny increments either,) by straight ad clicking done by viewers at YouTube like you asked, Wendy.
Good luck setting up the Google AdSense properly. I’ve no idea how-to, just heard the swearing for a month and kept well clear. ;)
Cheers :)
Damn Wendy.
Half a million views a not a bleeding penny?!
That's crazy.
I have been working on developing a Youtube Channel. I have a concept that will at least be worth watching, but I have been worried about making money.
How many people use ad blockers and script blockers though?
I know I do. So I dont see one ad on your pages at all. Or anyone else for that matter.
It's good to see someone is making money on YouTube.
I was hoping to make some money making content.
I second this, I didn't even know youtube had ads until I went to my sister's house and used her computer which had chrome instead of firefox. I couldn't believe what I was thankfully missing.I also see people complaining about ads in the comments sometimes but that's the only way I ever know they exist.
Yes. Not a mint, but enough to help with the groceries each month.
Add in your own personal content to sell, products from your website linked to, and the amount grows from there. It really does.
Cheers and good luck!
Google's slogan is "Don't be evil", you know. So since money is the root of all evil, they don't want to give you any, of course.
I pulled out of that long ago. Now when I look at Wendy's numbers and no money....I have to wonder if anyone but those who go crazy-viral ever get a dime.
your work is interesting.
"wendy's scream" just kills me.
I skip all teh ads on youtube because their "smart" ads are incredibly stupid. Mine are all in teh wrong language, and have to do with stuff unrelated to me totally. Waste of time.. :/
I've actually clicked on a few Youtube ads, mostly video game ads. Occasionally they do show something relevant to my interests, but I do admit that even the 'smart ads' get it horribly wrong on occasion. That being said, I've never gone out of my way to use an ad-blocker. Some enterprising individuals make their living out of such things and, as I enjoy watching their videos, I feel the least I can do is suffer a few advertisements here and there. Occasionally there's even something worth clicking on!
The one thing I hate more than anything in the universe, however, are ads which block access to web content in a giant overlay or any and all pop-up ads. You'd think in these enlightened times the advertisers would realise that everyone hates them by now and would have banned them from every corner of the internet. Sadly, they are still very much alive and well.