Looking for hair for Ada Lovelace

I am a big fan of both the real Ada Lovelace and Sydney Padua's "Lovelace & Babbage" webcomic at 2DGoggles, and I've obtained permission from Ms. Padua to use her comic in my statistics class. However, I don't have as many images yet as I'd like, and I want to try to add a few of my own (we can consider this "fan art," though I'm not sure if it should be history fan art or webcomic fan art....)
I've attached references below, including a sample from the webcomic (which I highly recommend) and some historical images of Victorian hairstyles. I think what I'm looking for is an updo with the back section pulled straight back, fastened, and then curled into 3-5 large, loose curls, and the front two sections looped down over the ears and then into the updo. There was also a braided variation that I've included as a comparison to show how the front sections loop.
Any thoughts? I don't care which figure the hairstyle is designed for-- I'm probably going to use AntFarm's Lenore as the base figure anyway. :)

I don't know of any hair models that are like this out of the box, have been looking for ages. I hope someone suggests one, as I will be straight over to check it out. At the moment I tend to kit bash hair to somewhere near.
The closest I know of somewhat resembles the braided version:
The bangs aren't right, though.
Yes, the closest I have got to the centre parting and front hair swept back like that was to use the short bob, from Maya. not sure if it is still available anywhere. It isn't actually bangs as such in true victorian hairstyles, as the front hair would have been much the same length as the back hair. This isn't really close enough, but it doe sort of work
first that jumped to my head http://www.runtimedna.com/FantasyDropsHair.html
Maybe you could find something useful in this gallery
There are many hairstyles...
I've reminded myself about this free one http://www.morphography.uk.vu/dlbrenda.html
Good suggestions. I can't believe I didn't think of Mylochka. I didn't find an exact match, but a combination of the Colt Ponytail and one of the updo styles might work, with a bit of retexturing.
I did look at Fantasy Drops before. The part is in the right place, but can the side bangs be positioned to tuck into the knot in back? There are lots of morphs. Does anyone have it who is willing to give that a try?
Another that may almost work is Deja vu form Fabiana. THere are lots of dial to twiddle to style it.
Does anyone know of any kind of updo with large curls in the back? I think I'm going to try a kit bash with magnets and see how close I can get that way. I could pull in curls from something like Delirium, but if there's a hair model that has them in the back already, they'll probably look better.
Velvet hai? http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/velvet-hair/78647