Where’s my Genesis stuff?

I finally had to admit, Genesis is the wave of the future, so I bought myself some early Christmas (SHH!) presents, including the Genesis traditional favorites bundle -- A3,H3,V3,M3,S&F (no Girl?) and the Supersuit Bundle -- and eagerly open Poser after installing in a new outside-the-program-folder (C:Genesis, which has a Runtime and a My Library folder) AND installing in my usual C:ProgramFilesX86/SmithMicro/Poser9 (so I have two complete installations of all this content now, somewhere)
---- and what do I get? Well, some of my content shows up (I bought the Troll for Genesis, and he's there) (Even opens and everything!) but Victoria and Mike and their Supersuits and all the Supersuit specialty packs ...
I've installed all the necessary files -- the fact that the troll and the "Essentials" Genesis figure attest to that. But Poser isn't finding the V3/M3/Supersuit stuff, and that was critical in deciding to buy in. I must be overlooking something dirt-simple, but can someone please point out what that is? Thanks!
Where did you install V3/M3 and the Supersuit into?
These are all Poser Format items, and have been for years. If you gave the install path as C:/Genesis/Runtime, then the installer will have created nested Runtime folders, one runtime inside another. You should still install Poser Content to C:/Genesis, without any runtime folder added to the path since the installer knows to look for a runtime folder there.
Have a look to see if there is a nested runtime folder, and if so, move all the content up one level.
Thanks for popping in. OK, let me see if I can explain it better.
I purchased the bundle and installed its elements twice: once to my default C:Progx86/SmithMicro/Poser9 and the second time to a folder called "GENESIS" on the C: root. The installer created a Runtime directory and populated it there. There is no nested Runtime in the folder C:GENESIS or its subfolders. This is also where I created an empty folder called "My Library" and the installers populated it with stuff like the Millennium SubDragon and a bunch of AniBlocks, etc. The installers further created a folder called "Data" in the same place, so GENESIS has three folders: Runtime, My Library, and Data. There is no Runtime folder inside any of these three.
Is that clearer?
AND, before you ask, I have rebooted Poser about four times and the computer once.
You will need to tell Poser that the C:/Genesis contains a runtime folder by declaring it as a library. I have Poser 8, and in the Library tab there is a button with a Plus sign to create add a Library.
You have to declare the folder that 'holds' the runtime folder, in your case, C:/Genesis, and then Poser should pick that up, and list it as 'Genesis' in your Library tab. Perhaps you have already done all that? What version of Poser are you using, and does the Genesis folder appear at all?
In case yolu dont know, user content should NOT be stored in the Program Files area as it will lead to problems. This is a protected area in both Vista and Win 7.
Thanks for being here, I really appreciate the advice, this has me stumped. I have told Poser (v 9, by the way) to find "C:Genesis" and it does. It sees C:Genesis and recognizes that there's a Runtime folder there, and if I try to actually select the Runtime folder it tells me it's already been selected. It is listed on my -- hmm, now that's strange, GENESIS no longer shows up on my Library menu, but when I go looking for it, Poser tells me it's there. (How do I upload a screen grab here?) The Library pallette in the upper right doesn't show GENESIS now, but it did an hour ago, I swear! I hit the "+ ADD LIBRARY" button and navigate to "C: GENESIS" and it pops up a warning sign that says "That chosen Runtime is already added." It (C:GENESIS) is also selected in the "Scripts/DSON Support/Importer Preferences" menu for both Cache Folder and Writable Runtime Folder.
I think you would be better off asking for this thread to be moved to the Poser forum. Click on the 'Report' button, and a mod will move it for you.
To post an image on the forum, use the Browse button just below where you write your message, and list the path to it.
I reaally don;t know how DSON files are used inside Poser 9 so I can't be of any more help.
You've been more help than you know, JimmyC -- the last words of too many test pilots were "I've tried A, I've tried B, I've -- aww, s#it..." and at least you've confirmed (so far as it goes) that I've covered all the right steps. (It's maddening, I'm pushing a deadline, here's a perfect solution, but where ...?)
"I reaally don;t know how DSON files are used inside Poser 9 so I can’t be of any more help." Well, neither do I, but I appreciate your willingness to try. Happy pozin! And many thanks!
Actually, I stand corrected, there is another nested Runtime folder deep in the bowels of the "My Library" folder, but it appears to have its own purpose (a folder called "Support" is about it) so I'm not messing with it.>:(
Can you please post a screenshot of the collapsed listing of the Genesis folder?
It looks like there is a library added with no name, and it is empty. You also have Alchemy Chasm added as a library, and it only contains DAZ Scene files as far as I know. It should not be there, and it is also empty because Poser cannot read DS files.
Here ya go. The empty folders on the Poser pallette were created while trying to install DSON Importer the first time, apparently there was a major snafu of some sort in the first release. I haven't bothered to track down the call for these empty folders yet, but will when the dust settles a little. A little more specific information about "create this folder here and do this to it" would have been nice, the installers don't seem up to the task.
Is there anything inside the Runtime > Libraries folder? That should hold the folders called Character, Pose, Props etc, which you can load inside Poser.
I would delete the empty libraries in Poser, and add a new library giving the Genesis folder as the path assuming that it is not an empty folder.
I'm not entirely sure there is an empty folder to delete. I think the call for "Add Library" found something already existing, but because it wasn't suitable and didn't know how to deal with it, or because when it didn't work I tried to "undo add library", it left it. There must be a folder somewhere with these items called for at least as a shortcut, but I haven't found it.
That Runtime folder is chock full of stuff, nested deeply, but it's all DazStudio format, weird file extensions like .dsa or .dsx, and mostly texture maps for the missing supersuit.
Oh, you mean C:GENESIS/Runtime/* Yeah, it has all kinds of stuff. A lot of good that does when Poser says it's already selected but doesn't see it.
The two folders you should get rid of are inside the Poser Library tab as shown below. Alchemy Chasm does not contain ANY poser format files at all, and the one with no name is weird as well. If you tell Poser to add a library folder and give it the path C:/Genesis, it should pick up te Runtime folder, and call it 'Genesis' because that is the folder that holds the runtime.
Get rid of the two spurious ones, and then add the correct one. DO NOT give the path as C:/Genesis/Runtime when adding a library folder in Poser, just C:/Genesis.
(sigh) I'll catch up on all of these housekeeping chores when I'm not pressing deadline. Right now, Poser says it recognizes the C:Genesis/Runtime folder, but doesn't show me its contents. I need a M3 figure in a Supersuit I can tweak to make respectable 31st century battle armor for a John Dalmas novel and can't find the (purchased) content, that's all I really need to focus on right this minute. Where is my Genesis M3, where is his Supersuit, and I can't really be the only person having problems with this, can I? (One of Murphy's Laws: "Anything that can go wrong will do so at the worst possible moment.")