THe New Horse

Will I be able to use the Horse 2 in Poser out of the box, or will I have to use the DSON importer first.
Also, do I need to set up DAZ Studio to use the importer?
Post edited by Wolfmanjim on
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Will I be able to use the Horse 2 in Poser out of the box, or will I have to use the DSON importer first.
Also, do I need to set up DAZ Studio to use the importer?
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Yes You will need to use the importer.
No You don't need to have DS installed
You do need to download the DSON and the Poser Companion files.
I was just coming to post that 'Beware poser users the horse 2 is a Dson thing....'
So is it V5 on 4 legs?......
Dson stopped me cold from purchasing H2
Why would that stop you? I've had no problems using using DSON items in Poser so far. In fact, you only need to install the correct files in the correct places (No DS installation needed, though I do have that installed too), just like any other Poser file, and it works.
Why would that stop you? I've had no problems using using DSON items in Poser so far. In fact, you only need to install the correct files in the correct places (No DS installation needed, though I do have that installed too), just like any other Poser file, and it works.
first so they know it is DSON
second there are still issues with dson
if you are a hobbiest just trying to make a render you should have no issues
but Dson does not belong in my Python
it actually lets a small bit of Studio work in Poser
it is still just a work around for people who want to play with Genesis
The OP asked if the Horse required DSON, I answered that it did. Also almost every product page associated with the release of the New horse and accessories does say "Compatible 3D Software DSON Importer for Poser, DAZ Studio 4.5" So really people shouldn't be in any doubt that this is indeed a DSON product.
Whether you wish or do not wish to use DSON is up to you, but it really does not have anything to do with the question the OP asked.
Please try to keep the thread On Topic. Thankyou.
I don't know what the cost is, but that was one issue brought up on Rendo poser forum. Another, western saddle loads invisible, don't know if that's worked around. Then, some pretty horrible problems in bending the neck. Mane and tail reportedly not so good. Dunno, as I don't need a horse. No kingdom to trade for one.