Genesis Female Genitalia

I just recently updated (yet AGAIN) my content, including the female genitalia for genesis, and I have to say, WTF?!
It's like DAZ took a completely functional product and purposely broke it. The metadata is incomplete, the one morph that it actually had is gone (the seperate morph), and the material preset and texture has disappeared.
The male genitalia doesn't seem to have any problems; all the morphs appear to be present, the textures and materials presets are there, even the metadata is complete.
What gives, DAZ? I understand wanting to update the product, but to strip it of all functionality?
I know, it's really bizarre - I wonder if they are going to redo the MAT settings of the previous skin textures that made use of the old genitalia (such as Bree, etc.)? I doubt it.
wow, daz really is being touchy about anatomy. Have you backed up the previous version? It might be worth re-installing.
SimonJM: I think it's more likely someone just forgot these additional files. The actual genitalia file doesn't appear to have been changed.
Spyro: I found a 1.1 version of the gens, so I've been able to replace all the missing stuff. I just wish DAZ was a little more thorough when they update things. Seems like every time they do, something gets dropped or damaged.
I thought the old version had two MAT zones, one for the 'inner bits', with the new one having just one 'hip' MAT zone?
I thought that too. That's why Victoria comes with a special texture for it... Yet my update before this one may have removed it :(
Version 1.1 I think I'm using... I'll have a check in my downloads.
Edit: No I've got 1.4 currently, 1.1 from memory was the working one that had two mat zones.
i wonder if I still have 1.1 somewhere, will need to check and back it up a few more times lol
It's certainly annoying... updates are supposed to fix issues, not create them. Maybe we should submit a bug report or something? I've never done it before lol
Yeah I only thought Sony sold products and then later removed features from them. Guess not.
Considering it's one of those anatomy bits that Daz is all so hush hush about and not interested in supporting it properly, it's a shame that they have removed what little of the support we had of them.
This is why for gens I go 3rd party...Poison's Genesis She Gen is the one for me..has 33 freaking morphs..and I don't have to buy a damn bundle just to get it:)
Yeah but I like the fact that it's geocrafted, that way there would be no issues with conforming to the character and no requirement for those annoying trans maps. It is however stupid that the gens arent offered as part of the basic M5 and V5. You shouldnt have to go Pro bundle just to get a complete figure.
I think she gens is also geo grafted. it's got a lot of morphs but I don't think it takes V5 textures.
(edit I really could be wrong about both though haven't looked it up in months. But thats what I thought I understood. I thought the trans map was optional)
Yes it doesn't take V5 textures.
Well I guess a bug report for the item to address its missing material zones and morph will need to be sent. lol what an awkward bug report to make lol
Okay... so I'm wondering if anyone knows how to fix the missing material zones on the Gn female gens? People have said they've fixed it and I dont know how to :S
I fixed it by finding the old installer, 1.1, on my laptop and installing it.
The "Genesis Body Morph Resource Kit 1" I believe has genital morphs, but I haven't tried them yet.
I rarely use the female gens anymore because the Morph Body Resource morphs are so amazingly good.
I actually haven't tried those particular morphs in the resource kit... but I imagine you'd have to play around with the torso texture to assist in realism.
I do have version 1.1... but that's the only earlier version I have in my archive of downloads. The version I am currently installed with is 1.4. From reading this thread, version 1.5 is pretty bad, so I haven't reset the download.
I'll say that the gen morph from the Genesis Body Morph Resource kit do a good job as well for the type of stuff I do. But if I wanted a bit more detail then I'd have to go to another gen solution.
Since we are talking about inner surfaces. I think the folks that are missing that extra material zone are the types that would need more than the Genesis BMRK.
It's been a while since I fixed mine (I did it when they released the updated set with S5 UV map support), but basically you need to install a later set that includes the S5 UV maps. This will also have the duplicate ID issue fixed. 1.4 should be sufficient for this, if I recall correctly. Then you need to install the 1.1 version to some other location and copy the Genital Detail UV dsf file over into the current install location along with the texture file for it. Additionally, you have to hand-edit the geometry dsf in the data directory to add the material zone back in (use a text diff utility to find this) and then also edit the .duf that loads the genitals (again use a text diff utility to find the stuff you need to copy back in). You can then also copy the mat pose file from 1.1 over into the current install so that it applies the surface settings for both mat zones.
I realize this is vague, but I'm not on the machine with my Studio content, and I'm writing this from memory.
To my surprise, when I installed version 1.1 after having 1.4 installed... 1.1 kept the 1.4 S5 UV active, while giving me back the separate material zone. The only thing it couldn't fix was the duplicate ID issue... but that's no problem to me, as it's just a annoying message that pops up when loading it. I still have duplicate IDs for the genesis figure anyway... and have never been able to rid of it.
@lars - No the morphs in BMRK are fine, I'm only trying to make my characters anatomically realistic, I'm right into surfacing and textures, so I don't want the gens in nude renders to let me down is all. Realism is what I strive for. The only reason I wanted to fix it is because it was a feature (The two mat zones) that was lost in the update. :)
Then yeah if your going in there then yeah you need more but for staying outside BMRK is fine.
LMAO it's such a strange topic :-P
My Fix Duplicate IDs script should deal with the warning message.
@Richard yeah that script is useful. I use it all the time still because I keep finding stuff that needs fixing.
Could I get a link for it Richard. Thx!
Could I get a link for it Richard. Thx!
The link is in Richard's signature. Fix duplicates is in the fourth post on that page.
The link is in Richard's signature. Fix duplicates is in the fourth post on that page.
Just slap me upside the head and call me stupid. TY!
I wonder... can DS Import UVS exported from UVMapper? I'm curious, because if somone still has the older version, they could call it up in UVMapper, create the old UVS and distribute it on ShareCG or somesuch...
I scwewed up, I did the same thing everyone else did, so I no longer have the original...
UV maps are imported from a re-mapped object. I've never used UVMapper, but I've done this with Blender and if UVMapper can export remapped meshes as obj (which I assume it must be able to do) then it should work with that too. Export the figure to be remapped as obj from DAZ and import into the modelling/ UV application, remap as required and re-export as obj. Import this back into DAZ: Mec4D has made a video tutorial on this here