Garibaldi Express: Hair and Fur Plugin [Commercial]



  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Help is what the thread is for. smiley

    FYI - it's not my program. I'm just an avid user.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Gone said:

    Help is what the thread is for. smiley

    FYI - it's not my program. I'm just an avid user.

    lol I wil take my advice from anyone I can get it from.  Its always a good sign if there are people who really really like it.  i will keep plugging away at it til I figure it out. 

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    I"m pretty sure its user error that's making it crash to be honest lol. I will make sure everything is updated.  And it may have been Daz crashing and not your program, occaisionally is seems to just spaz out completely.  Mostly when I am trying to do too many things too quickly.  And thank you that will be most helpful.  I appreciate the help.

    The only crashes I had where when I clicked things too fast - or when I had upped the number of hairs to something totally unrealistic ...


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Kerya said:

    I"m pretty sure its user error that's making it crash to be honest lol. I will make sure everything is updated.  And it may have been Daz crashing and not your program, occaisionally is seems to just spaz out completely.  Mostly when I am trying to do too many things too quickly.  And thank you that will be most helpful.  I appreciate the help.

    The only crashes I had where when I clicked things too fast - or when I had upped the number of hairs to something totally unrealistic ...


    That would explain it.  I tend to work very quickly so I am sure I was just going too fast.  No time to play til later though cooking for the big meal tomorrow today.  Hopefully will get the all the pies and stuffing done by 7 and have time to try again.  thank you everone for the help


  • sweetdeilysweetdeily Posts: 10
    edited December 2015

    I started working on figuring out how to use this last night. Still confused but starting to maybe figure it out lol. I'm new to the whole 3d thing anyway and sometimes i think my brain is just overloading with new information.  Couple of questions if I may.  When the figure shows in my window pane after my edits, it shows the hair in a neon green or blue.  Should it be doing that or am I missing a step.  also, can't figure out how to make the hair longer.  I can get short scruffy hair but nothing else.  Again, I will be going over the tutorials again and practicing some more as well.  My other issue is that it keeps crashing on me.  I have loads of memory on my computer its less than 6 months old and has the newest nvidea card in it.  64 bit windows 7.  I'm at work and that's all i remember offhand but if more is needed I can add it tonight.  i'm really excited about this product and am sure that once i figure it out I will be using it often


    The crashing happens to me when the default memory use is set to a measly 1gb and I had set over a hundred in the distribution settings on the distribute tab (tab number 4).

    There's a fantastic tutorial you can follow along with on the garibaldi webpage:

    If you have the memory, I'd maybe suggest allowing the program at least 4 gb of memory access to help prevent the crashes. Also, look at how much hair you are ramping it to? I stopped having problems when I used multiple layers (as Gone showed me how above) at about 30-50 distribution each.


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    Post edited by sweetdeily on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I started working on figuring out how to use this last night. Still confused but starting to maybe figure it out lol. I'm new to the whole 3d thing anyway and sometimes i think my brain is just overloading with new information.  Couple of questions if I may.  When the figure shows in my window pane after my edits, it shows the hair in a neon green or blue.  Should it be doing that or am I missing a step.  also, can't figure out how to make the hair longer.  I can get short scruffy hair but nothing else.  Again, I will be going over the tutorials again and practicing some more as well.  My other issue is that it keeps crashing on me.  I have loads of memory on my computer its less than 6 months old and has the newest nvidea card in it.  64 bit windows 7.  I'm at work and that's all i remember offhand but if more is needed I can add it tonight.  i'm really excited about this product and am sure that once i figure it out I will be using it often


    The crashing happens to me when the default memory use is set to a measly 1gb and I had set over a hundred in the distribution settings on the distribute tab (tab number 4).

    There's a fantastic tutorial you can follow along with on the garibaldi webpage:

    If you have the memory, I'd maybe suggest allowing the program at least 4 gb of memory access to help prevent the crashes. Also, look at how much hair you are ramping it to? I stopped having problems when I used multiple layers (as Gone showed me how above) at about 30-50 distribution each.


    Thank you! I have the memory so I will give that a go as well.

  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Curious. I don't believe I have ever changed the global settings and my memory limit is set to 200 MB with an undo of 5.

    I have an old quad core 2 machine with Vista home OS and 6 GB of memory. For human head hair I routinely set the distribution amount between 100 - 200 on the base layer and on my more insane days have gone up to 500. :) Never crashed - but the hair calculations took more than 5 minutes before the render finally started. :)

    FYI - the amount is number of hairs per square centimeter for a fully white section of the distibution map. The percentage of grey is roughly equivalent so a 50% grey would generate roughly 50% of the amount.

  • Oh great and wise thread, I have a curious query this evening.... does anyone else have a problem trying to apply hair to genesis 3 figures? For some reason it only allows me to create only on the face selection. I've tried selecting the whole body, tried just the torso, but nothing seems to work. I've never had any issues on other figures.

    I've been searching the forums but I can't see anyone reporting something like this before....

  • As with LaMH, it is able to access only the first UDIM tile - the UVs for the Genesis 3 figures are each moved to a different UV square instead of being stacked on the zero to one square. The work around is to paint the density map elsewhere and import it, which I think is cpvered earlier in teh thread (not just for that reason, but as a way of reusing maps or using other painting tools).

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Well those will be most helpful. And thank you for making the explanation on how to use them easy to understand.

  • Thank you guys so much! I feel really foolish for re-asking a question already answered only a few pages back! But thank you for taking the time to answer!

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    :-)  And then of course there's another way ... was looking into a method for using Shader Baker with the G3 figures, solution also works for Garibaldi :-)



    can also use Garibaldi.png
    1186 x 870 - 191K
    Wearable preset works too.png
    835 x 836 - 590K
  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Would you care to elaborate for those of us unfamiliar with Shader Baker?

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    Gone said:

    Would you care to elaborate for those of us unfamiliar with Shader Baker?

    Oh we don't need Shader Baker for Garibaldi, it was the solution for a Shader Baker issue that also happens to be a solution for Garibaldi ... and a few other programs/plugins.

    And yes, I will be putting together a little picture show [.pdf] showing how. I'm using the beta 4.8 and Hexagon. It's actually quite simple but sounds complicated for beginners.


  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    I realize that Garibaldi is just a side benefit - but the only thing I know about Shader Baker is that it exists. laugh

    Are you sure you don't mean 4.9 beta? 4.8 has been stable for a while now. wink

    My poor Hexagon was on the drive that died a couple of months ago. If I'm going to do this, I suppose I will have to install on one of the working drives. Fortunately, the drive tha died wasn't the one with DS on it - but it did have a lot of my downloaded zips.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Possibly, it's on the other computer I'll double check that. It's a beta.

    I have the images done and 2/3rds edited ... decided to put in something of using Garibaldi too as I do love that plugin. Makes hair so easy even though I'm not very good at it.

    I tend to install Hexagon to the C drive [NOT into the program folders] on W7. Make sure it is working - serial keys sometimes have to be typed in. Usually goes smoothly.


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    I have Hexagon on D: ... and I did use Largeadressaware on it: It does help with stability.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    The rest of my drives keep changing depending upon what is plugged in ;-)

    Working in D/S4.6 and beta 4.8 [yes 8]. Now, all whatever should work fine in more recent editions the beta 4.8 being the farthest back one can go for to get the right bridge contact between the 2 programs so that the uvmaps are "collapsed". Now if [for whatever reason] one is working in an older edition of D/S and cannot make use of at least one of the beta versions then Yes one Can "do it the hard way" by using the bridge and "sliding" over each set to be overlapping on the Checker T. Won't be as pixel accurate as the program doing it but hay, we all do what we can.

    Using G3 Figures in Shader Baker, Garibaldi, etc.

    Forum Link


  • Hi all,

    I was directed here to ask my question and I couldn't find any similar issues on this thread, so I'm adding my question.

    I've made a first test render of my character and I've got issues with the lighting on the fur. I've posted a link to the image to demonstrate.

    I tried combing the hair down, but his just moves the issue to other areas.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    What exactly is the problem you are having...what effect are you trying to achieve is probably what I should be asking.

    What is your current light set up?

  • Basically, those dark patches on her face, arms and tail shouldn't be there. I've just got a single directional at a downwards angle of 36.09.

    I've attached the image with the affected areas highlighted.

    459 x 566 - 81K
  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,898
    edited December 2015

    Its the lighitng.


    When rendering in Daz Studio using 3Delight (not Iray) your two best choices for lighting are the Uber lights (built in) or the Advanced Daz Studio Light Bundle - - which is 3 lights in one bundle.  Anyways, like the rest of us, you will need to learn lighting.  There is additional threads through out the forums that have useage on both explained and tips and tricks as well.  The Advanced lights also have very good documentation to help.   Being new, you may also want to stop by the New Users forum - - Thats there to help everyone get started if they need and/or want the help


    An alternative, is to export the hair from the Garibaldi window as an OBJ file (option in the upper left) and then import that same OBJ into Daz Studio and render in Iray.  I am not sure what surface settings you would need for the hair obj to look right in Iray but its an option.  By the way, if you are not aware as you are new, the Iray render engine in Daz Studio can only be used with Nvidia cards.


    Here are 3 of mine using the Advanced lights - Still not as good as I wanted them to be.

    This last one is using a skull cap from End of Summer hair

    Post edited by Mattymanx on
  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Without knowing any of your settings, these are only general observations.

    First, the hair looks to be quite short. This can require some finess to get it to look right. Default settings just won't cut it. Also, the hair looks quite dense, this can set up some very heavy shadowing - which looks to be what's happening here. Combing very short hair with default settings will simply drive the hair flat to the surface and a dense coat will intensify the shadows.

    Second, the left forearm almost looks to be blown out. This would suggest that the TRT value in the surface settings is too high. Again, default values won't do.

    With more details on the settings, we can zero in on the problem. As previously noted, however, you need to understand lighting and surface settings if you want good results - and that applies to everything, not just Garibaldi.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,957
    Iray is not Nvidia-only. It has the ability to render in Nvidia GPU, but you can otherwise render with CPU regardless. And while that is often slower, and usually slower than 3dl, that varies a bit.
  • Thanks all. I'll try those things out. Good to know it's mainly a lighting thing; that simplifies it.
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    Iray is not Nvidia-only. It has the ability to render in Nvidia GPU, but you can otherwise render with CPU regardless. And while that is often slower, and usually slower than 3dl, that varies a bit.


    But if you want to use Garibaldi (or LAMH) hair, you have to use 3Delight (or export as a very, very, very, very, very big obj and use that).

  • Without knowing any of your settings, these are only general observations.

    Here's the hair settings (taken straight out of the DUF file, so colours are 0.0-1.0 based rather than 0-255):

    Smooth: True
    Angle: 89.9
    Render Priority: 3
    Propagate Priority: False
    Shading Rate: 32
    Opacity: 1
    S Opacity: 1
    A Intensity: 0
    D Intensity: 0.3
    R Intensity: 0.6
    R Colour: [1, 1, 1]
    R Colour Blend: 0.8
    R Longitudinal Shift: 10
    R Longitudinal Width: 10
    TRT Intensity: 0.6
    TRT Colour: [1, 1, 1]
    TRT Colour Blend: 0.7
    TRT Longitudinal Shift: 5
    TRT Longitudinal Width: 30
    G Intensity: 0.5
    G Azimuthal Shift: 0
    G Azimuthal Width: 3
    TT Intensity: 0
    TT Colour: [1, 1, 1]
    TT Colour Blend: 0.5
    TT Longitudinal Shift: 0
    TT Longitudinal Width: 4
    O Shader Intensity: 0
    O Shading Rate: 128
    O Max Error: 0.9
    O Max Distance: 100
    O Number Samples: 2
    A Correct Gamma: False
    A SpecularHitMode: 0
    A DiffuseHitMode: 0
    A TransmissionHitMode: 0
    A CameraHitMode: 0

    the left forearm almost looks to be blown out. This would suggest that the TRT value in the surface settings is too high. Again, default values won't do.

    Ok, so I've switched to 2 50% Advanced Distant Lights at 36 and 0 X rotation and reduced both specularities to .6. It's looking better, but there are still the dark patches. They seem to be where the camera is looking straight down the hairs.

    Gone said:

    First, the hair looks to be quite short. This can require some finess to get it to look right. Default settings just won't cut it. Also, the hair looks quite dense, this can set up some very heavy shadowing - which looks to be what's happening here. Combing very short hair with default settings will simply drive the hair flat to the surface and a dense coat will intensify the shadows.

    When I reduce the density down from 1500 to 1000 or 500, I see too much skin showing through in the patches. I tried adding some frizz and scraggle but that doesn't help.

    Mattymanx said:
    Being new, you may also want to stop by the New Users forum - - Thats there to help everyone get started if they need and/or want the help

    Thanks for the info, but I'm not new to Daz, 3D and lighting, I just wouldn't usually be thinking about lighting until I have more of a scene. Also, I've mostly used solid mesh hair and texture fur before. And I'm used to Blender's lighting model.


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  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Ok - looks like the TRT is too high. The TRT is the overall shine on the hair, similar to the glossy setting in the standard shader. You may want to play with intensity, colour, and blend values. The blend value determines how much of the blend colour is combined with the base/tip colour set in the Garibaldi distribution pane. The closer the value is to 1 the more blend colour is used (in this case white). The closer to 0 the more base/tip colour is used.

    It looks like the hair is pointing straight up so the hair facing ith camera is like looking at a needle straight on so you aren't going to see much. There are several choices here.

    - you can increase the length slightly then apply a bit of curl so the camera will always see some edge rather than looking straight down the tip.

    - you can change the seg length so you can apply some curl without lengthening the hair (or a combination of both).

    - you can significantly increase the base width of the hair to provide more surface coverage while the tip remains the same to show individual hair.

    In the lion image I posed on the previous page, for the main fur, I used longer hair curled over close to the body with a density amount of 20 and base/tip settings of 0.08/0.04.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    Kerya said:
    Iray is not Nvidia-only. It has the ability to render in Nvidia GPU, but you can otherwise render with CPU regardless. And while that is often slower, and usually slower than 3dl, that varies a bit.


    But if you want to use Garibaldi (or LAMH) hair, you have to use 3Delight (or export as a very, very, very, very, very big obj and use that).

    ? reference to "very, very, very, very big ..."

    If you mean as in super large, after exporting it out of the plugin, in D/S import it in using the D/S settings for 1 cm. Should be landing on the head.

    If you mean "weight" ... little trick sometimes helps; after importing it into D/S {and it lands where it should}, empty the rest of the scene and export out the hair .obj again using "whatever normal settings you do for making clothing etc." Clear the scene. Import in that new .obj file. Sometimes it can be as much as half the weight. Bring in the figure and make the hair figure/prop. This trick works with .obj files created in Hexagon, how well it works with other .obj files would depend upon how they were made in the other programs.

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