Artist:Required Products:Compatible Figures:Genesis 8 Male, Genesis 8.1 MaleCompatible Software:Daz Studio 4.23, Daz to Unity Bridge, Daz to Unreal Bridge, dForce ClothSKU:60363Artist: LuthbellinaRequired Products:Compatible Figures: Genesis 8 Male, Genesis 8.1 MaleCompatible Software: Daz Studio 4.23, Daz to Unity Bridge, Daz to Unreal Bridge, dForce ClothSKU:60363 -
WWII Paratrooper is an expansion set for Luthbel WWII USA Infantry Uniform.
The set includes all elements that wear the airborne soldiers and high-quality morphs to get the style of paratrooper uniform.
The expansion includes 5 texture set for represent the different units (101 and 82).
The parachute support dForce system and the set includes different scenes subsets with 10 starting poses with saved animations for get an "instant get ready " render. It also includes some pose sequences examples.
User guide included.
What's Included and Features
- US WW2 Uniform Paratrooper Expansion (.DUF)
- Wearables
- dForce Clothes and parachute preset
- Floor
- Props preset
- no dForce preset
- Uniform
- Backpack
- Boots
- AnklesRoom
- FootArchRoom
- ParatrooperUniformAll
- First aid
- Gas mask bag
- BackWaistRoom
- FrontalWaistRoom
- SideWaisRoom
- ThighRoom
- Gloves
- lWristPush
- rWristPush
- Helmet addon
- Interior parachute (dForce)
- BackFall
- BagCloser
- BagCloser02
- FrontalFall
- lBackRiserBendB
- lBackRiserBendF
- lBackRiserSideIn
- lBackRiserSideOut
- lFrontalRiserBendB
- lFrontalRiserBendF
- lFrontalRiserSideIn
- lFrontalRiserSideOut
- lHandBackRiserBendB
- lHandBackRiserBendF
- lHandBackRiserSideIn
- lHandBackRiserSideOut
- lHandFrntRiserBendB
- lHandFrntRiserBendF
- lHandFrntRiserSideIn
- lHandFrntRiserSideOut
- lShldUp
- lShldrSideSide
- lSideDwn
- lSideFall
- PilotBendBack
- PiloBendFront
- PilotSideL
- PilorSIdeR
- RBackRiserB
- rBackRiserBendB
- rBackRiserBendF
- rBackRiserSideIn
- rBackRiserSideOut
- rFrontalRiserBendB
- rFrontalRiserBendF
- rFrontalRiserSideIn
- rFrontalRiserSideOut
- rHandBackRiserBendB
- rHandBackRiserBendF
- rHandBackRiserSideIn
- rHandBackRiserSideOut
- rHandFrntRiserBendB
- rHandFrntRiserBendF
- rHandFrntRiserSideIn
- rHandFrntRiserSideOut
- RisersXL
- rShldrUp
- rSideDwn
- rSideFall
- Geo Support
- Ring Support
- Risers Support
- Knife
- Knife straps
- BackRoom
- FrontalRoom
- KnifeRoom
- Leg bag
- Down
- Up
- pperStrapBackRoom
- UpperstrapFrontalRoom
- Leg bag straps
- lThighRoom
- rThighRoom
- Mae vest
- AllCloser
- ButtomRoom
- CrotchRoom
- FrontalWaistRoom
- lChestRoom
- lNeckRoom
- lWaistRoom
- NeckPush
- rChestRoom
- RisersContact
- rWaistRoom
- Main parachute
- AbdomenRoom
- AllCloser
- AllRoom
- BackFall
- BagCloser
- BagRoom
- BagRoom02
- BottomCloser
- BottomRoom
- ChestCloser
- FontalFall
- lAbdomenRoom
- lChestRoom
- lCrotchSide
- lCrotchUpDown
- lHandleFixBack
- LmetalStrapOut
- lNeckRoom
- lPelvisRoom
- lPelvisUpDwn
- lShldrUp
- lShldrUp02
- lSideFall
- lThighCloser
- lThighRoom
- OpenBag
- rAbdomenRoom
- rChestRoom
- rChestRoom
- rCrotchSide
- rCrotchUpDown
- rHandleFixBack
- rPelvisRoom
- rPelvisUpDwn
- rShldrUp
- rShldrUp02
- rSideFall
- rThighCloser
- rThighRoom
- StaticLineExtended
- StaticLineExtended02
- StaticLineExtended03
- WaistCloser
- Reserve parachute
- Rifle Holster
- Shovel
- Wearables
- Poses
- 1 reset pose for parachute
- Poses for Genesis 8 Male, Parachute and Floor
- Fall (No dForce)
- Floor01
- Floor02
- Kneeling01
- Kneeling02
- StandBackFall01
- StandBackFall02
- StandFrontalFall01
- StandFrontalFall02
- StandSideLeftFall
- StandSideRightFall
- Users Guide(.pdf)
- Material Options
- Uniforms
- 101st Dark
- 101st Green
- 101st Light
- 82nd Green
- 82nd Light
- 2 helmet materials
- Props Dark/Light
- Uniforms
- Textures Include:
- 88 Albedo, Bump, Gloss, Normal, Specular, Opacity Maps (4096x4096)
- Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)
- Texture Templates available through the Product Library
- This product includes:
- 1 DSON Core Installer
- US WW2 Uniform Paratrooper Expansion (.DUF)