Artist:Required Products:Compatible Figures:The Kids 4Compatible Software:PoserSKU:9405Optional License Add-Ons:
$50.00$1.99*Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.
Artist: Daz OriginalsRequired Products:Compatible Figures: The Kids 4Compatible Software: PoserInstall Types: DIM Manual InstallSKU:9405Optional License Add-Ons:
$50.00$1.99*Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.
This product is in these bundles
Expand the possibilities for The Kids 4 with this extensive set of morphs. You'll find expressions, full and partial head morphs, full and partial body morphs, and morph forms that dramatically increase the potential of The Kids 4. More specifically, you'll find Dolly and Chibi morphs to make things really easy. We've also included Puppeteer presets that will help you find your own cool shapes as a variation of the already included shapes. Have fun with these because that's what Kids are all about.
What's Included and Features
Features- The Kids 4 Morphs++:
- 6 Expression Morphs:
- PHMHappy
- PHMSad
- PHMAfraid
- PHMUpset
- PHMAngry
- PHMSurprised
- 16 Full Head Morphs:
- FHMC4Chibi
- FHMC4Dolly
- FHMC4Asian
- FHMC4Elf
- FHMC4Stylized
- FHMTaylor
- FHMPeyton
- FHMAlex
- FHMTraci
- FHMKim
- FHMSam
- FHMMorgan
- FHMPat
- FHMDrew
- FHMCasey
- FHMJamie
- 203 Partial Head Morphs:
- PHMC4TriangleNose
- PHMC4EyesSquare
- PHMFaceBottomDepth
- PHMFaceFlat
- PHMFaceFull
- PHMFaceHeart
- PHMFaceLong
- PHMFaceMidDepth
- PHMFaceRound
- PHMFaceSize
- PHMFaceSquare
- PHMBrowDefine
- PHMBrowDepth
- PHMBrowHeavy
- PHMBrowNarrow
- PHMBrowSmooth
- PHMBrowsArch
- PHMCraniumSlope
- PHMForeheadDefine
- PHMForeheadFlat
- PHMForeheadWrinkle
- PHMForeheadWrinkleL
- PHMForeheadWrinkleR
- PHMTemples
- PHMEyesBaggy
- PHMEyeBaggyL
- PHMEyeBaggyR
- PHMEyesDepth
- PHMEyeDepthL
- PHMEyeDepthR
- PHMEyeFoldsHeight
- PHMEyesHeight
- PHMEyeHeightL
- PHMEyeHeightR
- PHMEyeLidsBottomDefine
- PHMEyeLidsBottomInHeight
- PHMEyeLidsBottomOutHeight
- PHMEyeLidsBottomSmooth
- PHMEyeLidsHeavyBottom
- PHMEyeLidsHeavyTop
- PHMEyeLidsTopInHeight
- PHMEyeLidsTopOutHeight
- PHMEyesSlant
- PHMEyeSlantL
- PHMEyeSlantR
- PHMEyesWidth
- PHMEyeWidthL
- PHMEyeWidthR
- PHMEyesWrinkle
- PHMEyeWrinkleL
- PHMEyeWrinkleR
- PHMEyesAlmondInner
- PHMEyesAlmondOuter
- PHMEyesFoldDown
- PHMEyesFoldSmooth
- PHMEyesHeightInner
- PHMEyesHeightOuter
- PHMEyesPuffyTop
- PHMEyesSize
- PHMEyesSize_Large
- PHMEyesSize_Small
- PHMEyesSunken
- PHMLacrimalsSize
- PHMLacrimalSizeL
- PHMLacrimalSizeR
- PHMLacrimalsPinch
- PHMLacrimalsSimple
- PHMLashesCurl
- PHMLashesTopCurl
- PHMLashesBottomCurl
- PHMLashesIrregular
- PHMLashesLength
- PHMLashesTopPoint
- PHMEarsIn-Out
- PHMEarIn-OutL
- PHMEarIn-OutR
- PHMEarsSize
- PHMEarSizeL
- PHMEarSizeR
- PHMEarsUp-Down
- PHMEarUp-DownL
- PHMEarUp-DownR
- PHMEarlobesAttached
- PHMEarlobesLength
- PHMEarlobesSize
- PHMEarsElf
- PHMEarsElfLong
- PHMEarsFront-Back
- PHMEarsShape
- PHMEarsShapeHelix
- PHMNoseBridgeDepth
- PHMNoseBridgeHeight
- PHMNoseBridgeThickness
- PHMNoseBridgeWidth
- PHMNoseBump
- PHMNoseDefine
- PHMNoseDepth
- PHMNoseFleshFull
- PHMNoseHeight
- PHMNoseLargeWidth
- PHMNosePinch
- PHMNoseRidgeWidth
- PHMNoseRound
- PHMNoseSeptumHeight
- PHMNoseSeptumWidth
- PHMNoseSide-Side
- PHMNoseSize
- PHMNoseSlope
- PHMNoseTipDepth
- PHMNoseTipHeight
- PHMNoseTipUp-Down
- PHMNoseTwist
- PHMNoseWidth
- PHMNostrilsCreaseDepth
- PHMNostrilsFleshSize
- PHMNostrilsHeight
- PHMNostrilsHoleHeight
- PHMNostrilsHoleSize
- PHMNostrilsWidth
- PHMLipBottomCrease
- PHMLipBottomDepth
- PHMLipBottomEdgeHeight
- PHMLipBottomMidDefine
- PHMLipBottomOutDefine
- PHMLipBottomThickness
- PHMLipBottomWidth
- PHMLipTopCenterHeight
- PHMLipTopCrease
- PHMLipTopCurves
- PHMLipTopDepth
- PHMLipTopEdgeCurve
- PHMLipTopEdgeHeight
- PHMLipTopMidDefine
- PHMLipTopOutDefine
- PHMLipTopPeak
- PHMLipTopThickness
- PHMLipsCurve
- PHMMouthCornerDepth
- PHMMouthHeight
- PHMMouthSize
- PHMMouthWidth
- PHMTeethCanineSharpBottom
- PHMTeethCanineSharpTop
- PHMTeethBottomSize
- PHMTeethTopSize
- PHMTeethTopGap
- PHMTeethIrregular
- PHMT4lLwrIncisor1
- PHMT4rLwrIncisor1
- PHMT4lLwrIncisor2
- PHMT4rLwrIncisor2
- PHMT4lLwrCuspid
- PHMT4rLwrCuspid
- PHMT4lLwrMolar1
- PHMT4rLwrMolar1
- PHMT4lLwrMolar2
- PHMT4rLwrMolar2
- PHMT4lLwrMolar3
- PHMT4rLwrMolar3
- PHMT4lLwrMolar4
- PHMT4rLwrMolar4
- PHMT4lUprIncisor1
- PHMT4rUprIncisor1
- PHMT4lUprIncisor2
- PHMT4rUprIncisor2
- PHMT4lUprCuspid
- PHMT4rUprCuspid
- PHMT4lUprMolar1
- PHMT4rUprMolar1
- PHMT4lUprMolar2
- PHMT4rUprMolar2
- PHMT4lUprMolar3
- PHMT4rUprMolar3
- PHMT4lUprMolar4
- PHMT4rUprMolar4
- PHMCheekBonesSize
- PHMCheekBonesWidth
- PHMCheeksDimpleCrease
- PHMCheekDimpleCreaseL
- PHMCheekDimpleCreaseR
- PHMCheeksDimple
- PHMCheekDimpleL
- PHMCheekDimpleR
- PHMCheeksDefine
- PHMCheeksDepth
- PHMCheeksHigh
- PHMCheeksSink
- PHMChinCleft
- PHMChinCrease
- PHMChinDepth
- PHMChinSize
- PHMChinWidth
- PHMJawAngle
- PHMJawCornerWidth
- PHMJawCurve
- PHMJawDefine
- PHMJawHeight
- PHMJawSize
- PHMPhiltrumCurve
- PHMPhiltrumDepth
- PHMPhiltrumSlant
- PHMPhiltrumStrength
- PHMPhiltrumWidth
- 4 Full Body Morphs:
- FBMC4Chibi
- FBMC4Dolly
- FBMHeavy
- FBMThin
- 3 Partial Body Morphs:
- PBMNipples
- PBMNavelHeavy
- PBMNavel
- 36 MorphForms:
- SCLHeadSize
- SCLChestSize
- SCLHandsSize
- SCLPalmsSize
- SCLLegsLength
- SCLFeetSize
- CTRLNeckHeadTwist
- CTRLNeckHeadSide-Side
- CTRLNeckHeadBend
- CTRLArmsUp-Down
- CTRLArmsFront-Back
- CTRLShoulderShrug
- CTRLTorsoTwist
- CTRLTorsoSide-Side
- CTRLTorsoBend
- CTRLWaistBend
- CTRLEyesUp-Down
- CTRLEyesSide-Side
- 9 Hand Morphs: (X2 for left and right hands)
- CTRLHandGrasp
- CTRLHandSpread
- CTRLThumbGrasp
- CTRLIndexGrasp
- CTRLMiddleGrasp
- CTRLRingGrasp
- CTRLPinkyGrasp
- SCLHandSize
- SCLPalmSize
- 6 Expression Morphs:
- This product includes:
- 1 Poser Core Installer
- 1 PowerLoader Installer
- 1 Poser Core Installer
- The Kids 4 Morphs++: