Get up to 2 FREE Dog Items Get 65% OFF Select Paws & Dogs Items Get 70% OFF Select Props

International Dog Day Bundle

Buy the International Dog Day Bundle to get: Daz Dog 8 for FREE* 1 Additional FREE* Select Paws & Dogs Item 50% OFF* up to 2 Select Daz Original Bundles 45% OFF* Items You May Have Missed 65% OFF* Select Paws & Dogs Items

50% of all proceeds will go to SPCA International - Global Animal Rescue
until September 1 at 12 AM MDT (UTC-6)


* Items must be in cart simultaneously for discount to apply.
Cannot be used to purchase items already owned at a lower price.

‘Dog Day’ New Releases

Buy 2+ ‘Dog Day’ New Releases to get 80% OFF* up to 5 Select Weapons of Warfare

    * Items must be in cart simultaneously for discount to apply.
    Cannot be used to purchase items already owned at a lower price.

    Enjoy these DEALS when you buy the International Dog Day Bundle

    Select Daz Original Props

    Buy any New Release to get 70% OFF* up to 3 Items


    ¥ Discount excludes New Releases and PC+ Items.
    * Items must be in cart simultaneously for discount to apply.
    Cannot be used to purchase items already owned at a lower price.

    Select Weapons of Warfare

    Buy 2+ ‘Dog Day’ New Releases to get 80% OFF* up to 5 Items


    ¥ Discount excludes New Releases and PC+ Items.
    * Items must be in cart simultaneously for discount to apply.
    Cannot be used to purchase items already owned at a lower price.

    $2.99 Clearance Items

    PC+ Members: Get Clearance Items for $1.99