"Got Bait for Poser"
What's Included:
37 Object files (obj)
(2Hookzero, 4Hookzero, BeerBottleTray01, BeerBottleTray02, BeerBottleTray03, BeerBottleZero, Bobber01Zero, Bobber02Zero, BoxEmpty, BugSprayTray, BugSprayZero, FishingRod, FishLure01Zero, FishLure02Zero, FishZero, FlyHead01Zero, FlyHead02Zero, FlyHead03Zero, HookZero, JigHeadZero, JigHookZero, SpoolZero, Spoon2HookZero, Spoon4HookZero, TrayLeftBottomEmpty, TrayLeftBottomFull, TrayLeftTopEmpty, TrayLeftTopFull, TrayRightBottomEmpty, TrayRightBottomFull, TrayRightTopEmpty, TrayRightTopFull, TrayZeroEmpty, TrayZeroFull, WormCupClosedZero, WormCupOpenZero)
7 Rigged Character files (cr2)
(FishLure01Zero, FishLure02Zero, FishZero, JigHookZero, JigZero, Spoon2HookZero, Spoon4HookZero)
17 Zero Prop files (pp2)
(2HookZero, 4HookZero, BeerBottleZero, Bobber01Zero, Bobber02Zero, BugSprayZero, FishingRod, FlyHead01Zero, FlyHead02Zero, FlyHead03Zero, HookZero, JigHeadZero, SpoolZero, TrayZeroEmpty, TrayZeroFull, WormCupClosedZero, WormCupOpenZero)
13 "Placed" props (pp2) (BoxEmpty is in zero position - all other props below parented to BoxEmpty)
(BeerBottleTray01, BeerBottleTray02, BeerBottleTray03, BoxEmpty, BugSprayTray, TrayLeftBottomEmpty, TrayLeftBottomFull, TrayLeftTopEmpty, TrayLeftTopFull, TrayRightBottomEmpty, TrayRightBottomFull, TrayRightTopEmpty, TrayRightTopFull.)
Fishing Rod, and ALL Tray Full props may take time to load. Please be patient!
Fishing Rod can be easily scaled to fit your character size!
Tackle Box:
Fishing Rod:
- Pull
- Pull-Left
- Pull-Right
Tray Empty (Zero prop only):
- LidOpen
Tray Full (Zero prop only):
- LidOpen
NOT tested in Superfly!
02 Beer Labels (MC6)
05 Fish Lure Zero 01 styles (MC6) (For FishLure01Zero, and FishLure02Zero figures ONLY - not for fish lures in trays)
05 Fish Lure Zero 02 styles (MC6) (For FishLure01Zero, and FishLure02Zero figures ONLY - not for fish lures in trays)
13 gel glitter styles (MT5)
13 gel solid styles (MT5)
10 Jig Feather Wing styles (MT5)
10 Jig Feather Wisp styles (MT5)
08 Jig Head style (MT5)
30 metal coloured metal styles (MT5)
30 hammered metal coloured metal styles (MT5)
48 coloured metal styles (MT5)
48 hammered coloured metal styles (MT5)
48 semi trans coloured metal styles (MT5) (perfect for glass)
10 Tackle Box platic styles +1 Clear Plastic (MT5)
The following props items have default materials included:
Beer Bottle
Bobber01 Zero
Bobber02 Zero
Bug Spray
Fishing Rod
Fish Lure Zero 01
Fish Lure Zero 02
Spool Zero
Tackle Box
Tray Empty
Tray Full
Worm Cup
Worm Cup Open
Can be easily fit to other figures using the Scale, and Translate options.
Stand out in any crowd... Never blend in!™
Promotional images rendered in Poser Pro 2014.
Product Requirements:
Poser 7+
This is NOT a merchant resource, and you may not use any of the included textures, or materials, on any other package other than this one.