StrangeFate's stuff: Shaman Gear WIP.



  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 816

    Been working on that armored female. Belt is getting there, but the metals and some of the leather will still change...



  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Been working on that armored female. Belt is getting there, but the metals and some of the leather will still change...

    Lookin sweet, Mario! Like your weapons, the style on these is great (expected no less).

    - Greg

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    That looks very nice!

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    In looking at these again (I like to come back to stuff), and 2 things really stand out. First, the functionality of the design makes a huge difference - where the rivets are placed (and doubled up), how the metal pieces are crimping some of the straps, etc. And secondly, the attention to detail on things like the finshed vs. unfinished sides of the leather, the celtic knot details, etc.

    Of course your mastery of surfacing comes through again, too. Looking forward to seeing it on a model!

    - Greg

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,741

    How's this project coming along? If you need a beta tester for the helmets and belts or anything else, feel free to hit me up! :) I enjoyed testing the weapons and poses and am sure I'd love your armor as well. :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    How's this project coming along? If you need a beta tester for the helmets and belts or anything else, feel free to hit me up! :) I enjoyed testing the weapons and poses and am sure I'd love your armor as well. :)

    Me too.  I am not planning on going on vacation any time soon again either so I will be around more lol.

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 816


    The armor will be a full character so there will be things to learn again, like rigging in DAZ. That said, it's coming along fine so far, just you know, have to put a lot of sweat and tears into all the small details because people like Greg pay so much attention to them ;)

    The last few days I spent doing things for the weapons pack, they're going through the DAZ testing process and they wanted me to make them wearable props, and all the poses now have to be hierarchical poses, which involves loading every single exported pose into a text editor and manually removing excess information in each file... I figure in time they'll streamline this a bit more.

    I spent a whole day scripting the whole wearable and hierarchical export and text editing parts, so it's all automated now at least. Also added G3M wearables to the mix too.

    Another things is that... they didn't take most of the renders, they liked Greg's Orc and the close ups and promo image I had, but the other renders didn't fare so well. From their comments and choices they seem to like crisp images with more light and shadows contrast... 

    Just waiting to hear back from them on a question I had and then I can wrap the weapon stuff up and focus on the armor again.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Well, personally, I had doubts any of my images were promo worthy to start with so it isn't a surprise.  I really like that they took Greg's image, though, as that was really stellar!  I'm glad it got accepted.  That's great news!  Congratulations!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    No worries on the promo images, I never expected them to accept mine anyway although its much appreciated that you tried!  Maybe in the future as we all learn a bit more about what we are doing lol.  I had a blast working on them anyway and I always learn something so its all good.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636


    The armor will be a full character so there will be things to learn again, like rigging in DAZ. That said, it's coming along fine so far, just you know, have to put a lot of sweat and tears into all the small details because people like Greg pay so much attention to them ;)

    The last few days I spent doing things for the weapons pack, they're going through the DAZ testing process and they wanted me to make them wearable props, and all the poses now have to be hierarchical poses, which involves loading every single exported pose into a text editor and manually removing excess information in each file... I figure in time they'll streamline this a bit more.

    I spent a whole day scripting the whole wearable and hierarchical export and text editing parts, so it's all automated now at least. Also added G3M wearables to the mix too.

    Another things is that... they didn't take most of the renders, they liked Greg's Orc and the close ups and promo image I had, but the other renders didn't fare so well. From their comments and choices they seem to like crisp images with more light and shadows contrast... 

    Just waiting to hear back from them on a question I had and then I can wrap the weapon stuff up and focus on the armor again.

    This is great news that your first product is a go, Mario! Though I would have been shocked if they weren't interested. It also sounds like you're taking the time to get yourself setup to produce a bunch of content going forward, which is even better news. Thanks again for the opportunity to play with your creations - I'm happy to have been able to help out in a small way.

    Oh, and I just went back and looked at your sword in the stone image again, Knittingmommy. Yep - it's still as fantastic as the first time I saw it!

    - Greg

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Thanks, Greg.  I am rather proud of how it turned out.  I love it when images come together like that.  I do still want to try and work on the other image with the girl that I did and put her in a proper scene.  I'll have to see if I can manage to get her finished by the time Mario's weapons go live in the store so I can have her in my gallery and can link to the weapons.

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 816

    Small update, fur isn't done yet, still playing with alpha settings and tones.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,844

    I do like those boots.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Those are some nice looking boots.  Unusual, too.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Small update, fur isn't done yet, still playing with alpha settings and tones.


  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 816

    Glad you like them.

    Unusual... let me guess... no HIGH HEELS!! ;p

    Changed some details and dirt and shifted the fur around to make the other boot and tweaked the fur to a decent point for now I think.

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    They look so soft! lol

    Awesome work, as usual, Mario. Looking forward to buying this armor, and your weapons, when they come out.

    - Greg

  • Been taking some time off lately to enjoy the summer a bit, so progress has been slow... just working my way up. The belt I did at the beginning will be on her too, with a sheath for a sword that I still have to make, too :/

    Have to tweak the top of her loin cloth on the front, so it doesn't bend over the buckle in such a smooth way.

    I may also do some alternate clothing to cover more of her legs... even tho she doesn't seem to take care of her clothes that well... and she does have underwear.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Looks amazing!  You should take time to enjoy summer.  I took a 3 month break from making beads (which is actually a hobby that makes money lol) so I could spend time camping with my husband and going out and doing things this summer.  Winter will be here soon enough and I will have nothing better to do but work on things inside.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Definitely amazing!  I'm looking forward to seeng the whole outfit!

  • Definitely amazing!  I'm looking forward to seeng the whole outfit!

    So am I KM,very much looking forward to seeing this amazing outfit take shape for sure!!!

  • Should be done soon I hope, I'm mostly back from vacationing and the weather has started to cool down a little, so no more beach for now... and agreed about the winter.


  • Just looking at this outfit I am getting so many ideas for scenes omg I so can not wait till this is available in shop!!!

  • Weapons are out!!
    If you tested them and still feel like buying them, I'd delete the test copies. The art itself for the store version is the same, but all the files had to be resaved in different formats (hierarchical poses instead of regular poses, and each weapon as an own item as opposed to having to use the morph slider to scale the weapon... but the slider is still there, too... etc etc.

    Store version also has weapons for the G3 male.

    Between all the changes that had to be done and a few bugs causing issues doing it, I have to say the Daz people have a lot of patience and were very helpful, good experience (all the changes needed aside).

    Seeing it out finally sure motivatest to finish the next piece :)


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Congratulations on your first product, Mario!

    - Greg

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    Well, the site was kickin' & screamin', but I finally got it to let me buy your weapons lol - please take my money! I picked up some cool vampire hunting weapons for free with the purchase, too. DLing is another story, though. Guess I'll try again later.  I should get some work done rather than playing anyway . . .

    Thanks again for making such an awesome set, Mario!

    - Greg

  • Thank you Greg!



  • Congrats!  I saw them in the shop before I went to bed last night!  I really hope they do well because they are awesome weapons!  Greg's picture looks good, too!  Congrats on having a promo pic!  :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited October 2016

     So glad to see these out and available for everyone!  They look great!

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
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