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I've been a silent lurker here but just wanted to say that's a really awesome promo image! I do agree with thenotoriousjed's comment though. I didn't even notice the troll before I saw his post. (might have something to do with me being disctracted by... uhm... other features in the promo...
And while I'm here, that thing about resetting a character's pose before applying a new one is a general advice that's always good to remember when trying out poses. So that strange things can happen when applying a new pose over another is not your fault.
Sweet promo, Mario - when does the movie come out? I have a feeling it'll end up in FirstBastion's thread once live in the store:
So, any hints about what your next project will be?
- Greg
As far as I know there is no way to turn of shadows in Iray as it is supposed to be a physical renderer (one of the reasons I really like 3delight)
Ya I left the hand curled in the first one because I just kind of liked it lol. The second one is just user error it was late and I was tired and just didn't notice the one had was slightly off. Looked right from the other angle lol.
Isidorn - Thanks and good to know about the poses, was already starting to think I should have done things differently maybe. About the Troll... I couldn't get it to render nicely, the texture has too much contrast with some areas being very bright and others almost black, was adding too much noise to the image and drawing too much attention. So I went for the 'let's not reveal the monster too much' poster look :)
There are things that could have been done to make it work probably, but I threw it in there rather quick.
Ice Dragon - Sounds like you need vacations again already!
Algovincian - Identical quadruplet sisters wearing almost nothing but big axes, a troll boss (guy in a suit) to fight and lot's of bad comic relief, sounds like classic 80s fantasy movie already!.
Next... not sure, I'll have until July to think about it, too many ideas. I like to work on several things at once so I'll always have 2-3 things going. I kinda like the idea of the movie posters promo images now so I'd love to do a space suit + space vehicle set in a modernized and sleek 50s retro look with the vibrant colors, chrome details and glass bowl helmet. Mainly just so I can do a promo poster in a 50s SciFi or horror look: 'IT CAME FROM SPACE!!!'
I'll probably start figuring that one out while doing a smaller and quicker project to learn what it takes to do clothing for Daz figures. I happen to have some fantasy clothing/gear designs from the 3D printing stuff I do on the side that would be quick enough to convert. So the next project is probably going to be a derivate of her:
There's some parts I want to change and others I have to, like the currently solid fur parts and other things that are too simple or thick. She was 3D printed at a small size so there's a lot of detail and definition I didn't need to worry about, nor texturing, but I'd like to see how close I can get to a Blizzard/WoW cinematic look, without using too many hires textures. Adapting the gear itself to the G3F body shouldn't be too hard otherwise.
Linwelly - Yeah, figures. Renderers usually still offer that option regardless, with more options for shadow scattering etc, but maybe in time. Iray seems to be still new to Daz.
Oh wow fantasy armour. With no heels... shoot me now.....
I tend to the burn the candle at both ends most of the time. Trying to stop doing that but its difficult. I have a hard time shutting down and I resent the time I spend sleeping, I could be DOING something lol. Even though I know I need the sleep to stay at peak performance
Plenty of time to sleep when we're dead . . .
- Greg
The movie poster concept for promos is great - guarantees that a certain amount of info is always displayed no matter what. I look forward to whatever you decide to do next!
- Greg
I worked on a render (at Greg's request!) that is now on day 4 of rendering while I was waiting for the new download file from days ago so I haven't had a chance to look at the newest weapons and poses. My render should, hopefully, be done in the near, distant future before I get any more gray! So, I hope to get to these very soon. I didn't want you to think that I had just disappeared. On the upside, it's looking like a really great render and I think Greg will like it.
Whoa . . . you should start a longest render thread once it's finished lol. Can't wait to see it!
- Greg
No worries Knittingmommy, hope it turns out great. I do find that the longer a render takes, the more likely it is that I forgot to adjust or turn something on :)
I'm the same Ice Dragon. Having to go to sleep always seems like such a waste of time.
No worries Knittingmommy, hope it turns out great. I do find that the longer a render takes, the more likely it is that I forgot to adjust or turn something on :)
I'm the same Ice Dragon. Having to go to sleep always seems like such a waste of time.
Oh, I'm sure that's the case here, too. I'm using two new products which also adds to the mix, Epic Godrays and Touch of Dirt, and between the two I'm sure I've done something that has caused the render to take longer than it should. And, I had to bump up the settings because when it maxed out, there was still way too much noise. As it is now, I have something that is looking more like dirt than noise on the figure with the Touch of Dirt which means it is getting closer to the finish line!
edit: Oh, and Greg, Ogora looks awesome in this render!
I may need to strengthen the shadow settings but this is a 3Delight test render. Had to kitbash the outfit since I don't have many G3F clothes to use as a test.
Woot! Dying to see it . . .
BTW, what are you running for a box?
- Greg
I'm running a custom AMD box I built myself. I have 990 FX AMD dual graphics motherboard that is crossfire ready and SLI so I can add a second graphics card at some point in the future of either type AMD or nVidia. Current graphics card is a Radeon R7 260X. My processor is an AMD FX 8350 FX and I've got 32 GB of memory. I, also, went for the water cooled system instead of the traditional fans which I love. Unfortunately, I built it before I knew anything about Iray coming to DS. If I had known or waited just a few more months before building my system, I might have broken down and gotten an nVidia card. The beta version of DS came out just two months after I built my computer. At any rate, I will probably try to get an nVidia in the future, but it will have to wait. So, for the moment, I'm running CPU only for all Iray renders. Oh, I'm currently running a dual box with Windows 10 which I hope to get rid of in the near future if I can get DS running under Linux and I'm also running Linux Mint. I have Slackware on my laptop, but my husband is better at setting that up and I wanted to do the new computer myself so I went with Mint.
Sonja, that's an interesting image! While I happen to love purple, that might be a tad too much. I do have to say that I like how the dragon hound thing stands out. The hammer almost gets lost in the image, though. I do love the pose and expression. Did the expression come with Strangefate's pose or did you do that yourself? I really wish my render would hurry up so I can play with the new files. I was going to try them on the laptop, but when I loaded up DS, I realized that I was still running 4.7 on it so no Iray which would probably kill the old girl anyway. And, looking at what products I had loaded on her, I stopped using it before I started investing in quality light sets so the only lights I have on the laptop are default DAZ lights and any promo lights that came with products. And, you know I don't do 3Delight all that well yet. I'll have to wait and see how my render looks tomorrow. If it still isn't done, I'll have to try to figure out my best light set for 3Delight and see what I can do in 4.7 with the weapons.
Well, I doubt my stuff is good enough for a promo image, I am just trying stuff out to see how it works. So I am using it like I would use it if I bought it. And it rendered more purple than it looked in the view port, the setting for this set of lights has a purple tint but I didn't expect it to be quite so umm...intense lol. I can't see it before it renders so I have to let it go until I can actually see it. I may redo with a different set of lights tomorrow when I get home from work.
Knittingmommy got me all excited about Ogora in Iray, so I played around a little after lunch (after downloading Rawn's free Iray material update for Ogora). Just a simple test - already had a pose for Ogora all done so I just modified it real quick for the weapon. The materials (on both the orc and his weapon) are incredible!
I don't render in Iray, but with products like these it's so easy to make it look great. These two seem to be a perfect match for each other!
- Greg
He looks great. But then, you always do an excellent job with your renders, Greg!
I am curious if you used the move to hand pose and, if yes, did you have any problems with it going where it should since Ogora is a different figure. I think most poses for G3 have problem transferring to other generations when the poses involve below the waist more than above the waist. So, I would think it should have worked, but I'm curious as I can't test that out yet. I've been wanting to test the weapons out on a few of the males, but, of course, I'm STILL rendering!
I went back and looked at the original version and I have a hard time figuring out which one I like best. I liked the first one, but he just looks so natural with a weapon in his hand that I like this version, too! Excellent job!
That does look pretty cool Greg, and the weapon seems perfect for him, they even both have a nose ring!
I think i'll be able to use some of everyone's renders for the store. Anything you all do will be still much better than what I'd have otherwise :)
I'll just have to see what the limit on images is, some are dictated by Daz, like close ups of details or untextured renders to show the meshes so whatever slots are left after that...
Zamuel - Did you use the 3Delight material for that render of the Iray one ?
It doesn't look how I'd expect it to render, but has really nice brushed feel to it :)
Oh I didn't know about this thread! I've been posting images via private messages. lol I'll post them here too. :)
I had a lot of fun doing these renders and really love the weapons and poses! You did an awesome job, Strangefate! I really had a good time with these - feel free to count me in in the future if you want any more test renders. :D
Like I said before, I don't render in Iray, and I can't remember the last time I rendered anything but NPR analysis passes in 3DL. This was a fun little exercise, though - I'd like to do some more standard renders. I've also begun to look at pose conversion from g3f -> g2m (and other older figures).
Your poses are excellent Mario, and I'd like to see if I can get them converted. I think promos should use the included poses. And as I'm sitting here typing, I'm thinking I could go the other route and convert the Ogora character to g3f. Hmmm . . . as always, it's just a matter of finding the time!
- Greg
Thanks, Knittingmommy. And to answer your question, no - I quickly positioned the weapon manually (and rather poorly, too lol). I've had renders that have gone for weeks, but that was animation. You must be one patient woman!
- Greg
My two favorites . . .
- Greg
Yes, well, I'm getting less and less patient as time goes on!
I've been learning how to do things in GIMP that I've been wanting to do for awhile, though, just to keep sane since I can't do anything in DS. I've been uploading the results to the new Background thread. And, I've managed to get quite a bit of writing done which is a good thing if I ever want to finish my book. I've already missed quite a few self-imposed deadlines. It seems as if the closer I get to the end the longer it takes to finish. A little bit like this render.
Thanks, Greg! I've been drooling over your Ork render - it looks like comic book art (which you know I love! lol). I also really like the girl with the hammer. It totally reminds me of some of the Lord of the Rings concept art.
Fantastic action, Sonja! I love the lighting too. It looks like dusk/sunset time - which gives the image some urgency. Needing to slay the beast before the sun disappears.