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Hahahahaha! I can tell already you are going to be very very good at this....
I love the last one with the heart! I think he loves his weapon!
Thanks :)
The one image was missing something...
Weapons are done (hopefully),
If you wanted to help test them and I forgot to message you, let me know.
how did you make that splitted person? Its awesome... I mean it's certainly kind of horrible but still awesome. Love that troll in love with his weapon!
It's horribly awesome!
I exported the pose as FBX, split it in half in modo and brought it back into Daz,not something that can be done within Daz studio I think but very easy to do in any 3d app.
My first time spent having a little fun playing around with strangefate's awesome weaponry:
Here g3f's pose was one included in the package with zero adjustments. Great attention to detail on the hands and how they grip the weapons. The 3DL textures included with the set are fantastic - the maps are top notch. Since this was rendered in 3DL (where displacement doesn't require tons of geometry), I was able to drop the subD down to 1, making it easy to work with and relatively light to render while still looking great!
I absolutely love the style on these and it's inspired me to work on pose conversion (from g3f -> previous figures) so that I can get them into the hands of my library of fantasy creatures.
- Greg
Cool work Greg, like that cartoon style!
I really really love how things look with your filters Greg, sure makes the hammer look good!
Thanks, Linwelly.
It's your modelling & texturing that make the hammer look good, Mario! Do you have a background in the gaming side of 3D?
- Greg
I do... I was lead artist at a video games studio but after 11 years there, I needed a change, so I've been working from home for the studio for the last year but looking to transition out of that soon.
I was messing around last night with the poses too. I didn't see a way (which I'm sure exists) to copy/paste a complete figure with clothing etc, so I had to set up everything manually each time... I have little more than the base content that comes with DAZ, so... it's the attack of the clones from the gray dimension!
Save your base figure that you want to do a lot copies of as a scene subset. Once you do that, you can load in as many 'copies' of the subset as you want into your scene.
I have a really nice render almost done. Did you want promo type renders published to your thread or did you want to keep them private and sent directly to you until you decide what you are doing with the set? I can upload it here if you want when it's done. Or, I put everything in a zipfile when I'm done and upload it to my dropbox for you. Either works however you want to handle images. Although, I'm not sure if you'd want to use any of my images as promos shots. I'll understand perfectly if you don't. Are you going to try and sell these or give them away? I think you could totally sell these if you get wanted. They are really good weapons.
As Knitting describes is on version, the other, you can do wihtin the scene is found with Edit/dupilcate/duplicate node hierarchies. But you need to make sure everything is parented properly to the figure you select in the scene tab.
I didn't know about this method! Thanks!
Ahh thanks for the tip, should make life easier in future.
Knittingmommy, I'll try to get them on the Daz store, see how that goes. They were just done to learn the whole process with Daz.
As for any images you make, you can post them here or anywhere you want. I don't care much about big reveals and secrecy :) ...and if they work, I'd love to use them as promo images. I'm sure they'll be better than mine with the gray backgrounds.
Well, here is my first polished image. I was mostly fooling around with your pose and the weapon trying to see the best way to get a good camera angle that would highlight the Heave Axe. For a proper promo, I'd probably change the background and actually have her fighting someone. I'd also give the image a little more head space at the top as well. But, I'm fairly happy with how this turned out considering it was just a quick image to set up before I went to bed. I ended up letting it run at a higher quality just because I liked it so much. :) Still testing out the other weapons and poses.
Looks sweet, Knittingmommy! FYI, I think DAZ prefers an aspect ratio of 10 x 13, too.
- Greg
Thanks, Greg! Good to know about the aspect ratio, too. I wasn't sure what the ratio was for most promo type images.
That's already looking pretty interesting Knittingmommy!
You don't need to worry much about the aspect ratio. I can always crop images to the right size where needed.
I am still playing around with the amazing weapons and poses will have something rendered shortly
It's been soooo long since I've done silly art for the sake of it without worrying about anything, had forgotten how good it feels. I was smiling most of the time while putting the image together...
I really love that image! It looks great, like a proper promo image should!
Thanks Knittingmommy :)
Image looks awesome. Only thing you might do is move the top right girl over a little to let the troll show more. Oh, and I really want these weapons. Been following the thread and the more I see the more I like.
Wow! Vary nice!!
Wow! You absolutely do know what you're doing! very nice light setting in that one.
Finally got to play with this. Have a simple one cooking now should be done soon. Nothing fancy. These are really super easy to use, render fast, and look fantastic.
This was a super quick one just to get the feel. Poses are really really easy to use, I think I scaled the axe down less than 10%. The only think I changed on the pose was the angle of her head. Even with the scale change the pose was super easy. And they look natural. Off to do a couple more. Can I post these renders elsewhere? I thought I saw someone else aske but can't find it at the moment
I applied the fantasy leather shaders to the hand grip leathers and Mec4d's metal shaders to the rest of the axe. Worked perfectly. No scaling on the weapon this time and the pose was not changed at all. I did add an expression to her face.
Thanks everybody, glad you like the image :)
Lighting wasn't too hard with Iray, but you do need ridiculous values in the photometric settings... had to crank up the strength from the default 1500 or so to over a million. Seems like they should reduce the steps necessary to get from a small torch to an average area light.
Also, I didn't see a way to turn off shadow casting for individual lights. Ideally I would have had 1 main light casting shadows, and the others just doing the red/blue effect. In the end I had 7 lights in the scene, 3 for each color and 1 frontal to make the weapons shine more, all of them casting shadows, which in some cases just adds too much noise. Was fun tho.
Ice Dragon - You can do with the renders as you please. She looks pale and wild, good fit for thosee weapons :)
One thing I noticed with the poses, is that it helps to reset the figure to the default pose before applying a new one, otherwise small things can be off sometimes (hands and toes usually). I don't know if you changed the left hand on the first pose, but the hand there would be open normally, in a relaxed position. If you applied the pose on top of another pose then it became a fist from that.
On the second render, the left hand is a fist too I think and not holding the handle properly, which looks like the same problem again :/
I think it's because I saved the poses only saving the values that had been changed (I read someplace to do it that way), so if a pose doesn't change a joint, and the joint has already been moved by hand or another pose first, it will stay like that when you apply the new pose. The advantage being that it doesn't kill already applied facial expressions and such... in theory.