Artist:Compatible Software:PoserSKU:16004Optional License Add-Ons:
−50% $35.00 $17.50−50% $1.99 $1.00*Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.
Optional License Add-Ons:
−50% $35.00 $17.50−50% $1.99 $1.00*Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.
A cool, standalone low resolution US Police figure set. These four figures are very easy on resources and will make a great addition to any city scene. They range from 6355 to 6740 polygons. There are three uniform textures, several hair options for the female and two skin textures for the male. Includes a low resolution pistol and a separate hat prop. There are pose sets for both males and females. This figure is based on the popular Lorenzo Lorez and all the skin textures, props and poses are interchangeable, so you won't need to purchase Lorenzo to use this set.
What's Included and Features
- LoREZ Police US1 (.CR2 and .OBJ)
- Female Short Sleeve and Female Long Sleeve
- FBMBulky
- FBMMoreMuscles
- FBMMuscles
- Inhale
- LatsSize
- Neck_Thick
- Anatomical Element_Bulge
- Hips_Wider
- WaistThickness
- Hide_Pistol
- Face_Allison
- Face_Andrea
- Face_Darla
- Face_Deena
- Face_Ella
- Face_Georgina
- Face_Lena
- Face_Paula
- Face_Penny
- Face_Roberta
- Face_Ruby
- Face_Wendy
- Face_African
- Face_CenterFwd
- Face_Classic
- Face_Heart
- Face_Long
- Face_LowerFwd
- Face_Narrow
- Face_Oriental
- Face_OrientalAlt
- Face_Round
- Face_Short
- Face_Square
- Face_UpperFwd
- Face_Wide
- Face_Zombie
- Brow_Angular
- Brow_Arched
- Brow_CenterClose
- Brow_CenterDown
- Brow_CenterUp
- Brow_Down
- Brow_Evil
- Brow_Frown
- Brow_Heavy
- Brow_OuterDown
- Brow_Wide
- Brow_Up
- Brow_Down_r
- Brow_Down_l
- Brow_Up_r
- Brow_Up_l
- Brow_Angular_r
- Brow_Angular_l
- Cheeks_Sink
- Cheekbones
- Cheek_Creases
- Cheek_CreasesAlt
- Cheeks_FwdFull
- Cheeks_Wide
- Chin_Cleft
- Chin_FleshedOut
- Chin_FleshedOutAlt
- Chin_Fwd
- Chin_Large
- Chin_Small
- Chin_Strong
- Jowls
- Mandible_Larger
- Mandible_Small
- Ears_Bigger
- Ears_Elven
- Ears_ElvenAlt
- Ears_FoldOver
- Ears_Height
- Ears_In
- Ears_LobesLonger
- Ears_LobesOut
- Ears_StickOut
- Ears_UpperBig
- Eyes_Bags
- Eyes_Bigger
- Eyes_Blink
- Eyes_Blink_l
- Eyes_Blink_r
- Eyes_Height
- Eyes_LidsHeavy
- Eyes_LowerLidDefine
- Eyes_Oriental
- Eyes_SlantIn
- Eyes_SlantOut
- Eyes_Surprised
- Eyes_WidthIn
- Eyes_WidthOut
- Eyes_UpperDroop
- Eyes_Wince
- Eyes_Wince_l
- Eyes_Wince_r
- Cranium_Larger
- Cranium_Round
- Cranium_SidesOut
- Cranium_Smaller
- Temples_In
- Hat_FitHeadRear
- Hat_FrontFwd
- Hat_PeakWider
- Hat_SidesIn
- Hair_AngledBob
- Hair_Darla
- Hair_Lena
- Hair_Paula
- Hair_OrientalAlt
- Hair_FaceRound
- Hair_FaceWide
- Hair_PointsFwd
- Hair_Shorter
- Hair_Volume
- Head_HairVolume
- Hide_Hair
- Hide_Hat
- Show_PonyTail
- Mouth_Cnrs_Down
- Mouth_Cnrs_Up
- Mouth_Frown
- Mouth_Higher
- Mouth_Narrow
- Mouth_Open
- Mouth_Smile
- Mouth_SmileOpen
- Mouth_SmileOpenAlt
- Mouth_Whistle
- Mouth_Wider
- Lips_Bigger
- LowLip_Fill
- LowLip_Fwd
- LowLip_FwdAlt
- LowLip_Part
- LowLip_Thin
- UpLip_Full
- UpLip_Fwd
- UpLip_Padded
- UpLip_Sneer
- UpLip_Thin
- Nose_Back
- Nose_BridgeFwd
- Nose_BridgeSquashed
- Nose_BridgeWider
- Nose_Defined
- Nose_EndBulbous
- Nose_EndLong
- Nose_HeightLong
- Nose_HeightShort
- Nose_Roman
- Nose_Smaller
- Nose_Squashed
- Nose_Thicker
- Nose_Wide
- Nose_UpTurned
- Nostrils_SidesDown
- Nostrils_Wider
- Mouth_A
- Mouth_E
- Mouth_Eh
- Mouth_Er
- Mouth_F
- Mouth_I
- Mouth_Le
- Mouth_IH
- Mouth_M
- Mouth_Nuh
- Mouth_O
- Mouth_Puh
- Mouth_Sh
- Mouth_Te
- Mouth_Tuh
- Mouth_U
- Mouth_Uw
- Mouth_We
- Teeth_UpperFangs
- Tongue_SwayL
- Tongue_SwayR
- Tongue_Fat
- Tongue_Length
- Tongue_CurlDown
- Tongue_CurlUp
- Fix_SalutePose_L
- Fix_SalutePose_R
- Shldr_Size
- TricepsFlex
- UpperArm_Size
- Feet_Wider
- Hamstrings
- Knees_Out
- Leg_Size
- Eyes_Side-Side
- Eyes_Up-Down
- EyeBalls_Sideways
- EyeBalls_Fwd-Back
- EyeBalls_Up-Down
- EyeBalls_Size
- CTRLNeckHeadBend
- CTRLNeckHeadSide-Side
- CTRLNeckHeadTwist
- SCLHeadSize
- CTRLTorsoBend
- CTRLTorsoTwist
- CTRLTorsoSide-Side
- CTRLWaistBend
- CTRLWaistBendBack
- CTRLWaistBendFront
- SCLArmsLength
- SCLForeArmsLength
- SCLHandsSize
- CTRLArmFront-BackL
- CTRLArmFront-BackR
- CTRLArmsFront-Back
- CTRLArmsUp-Down
- CTRLArmTwistL
- CTRLArmTwistR
- CTRLForeArmBendL
- CTRLForeArmBendR
- CTRLShoulderShrug
- CTRLShoulderShrugR
- CTRLShoulderShrugL
- CTRLKneeBendL
- CTRLKneeBendR
- CTRLLegsBend
- CTRLLLegBend
- CTRLRLegBend
- CTRLLegsSplay
- CTRLLLegSide-Side
- CTRLRLegSide-Side
- CTRLLLegTwist
- CTRLRLegTwist
- CTRLFootBendL
- CTRLFootBendR
- CTRLFeetTipToes
- CTRLFootTipToeL
- CTRLFootTipToeR
- SCLLegsLength
- SCLFeetSize
- Male Short Sleeve and Male Long Sleeve
- FBMBulky
- FBMMoreMuscles
- FBMMuscles
- Inhale
- LatsSize
- Neck_Thick
- Anatomical Element_Bulge
- Hips_Wider
- WaistThickness
- Hide_Pistol
- Face_Alfonso
- Face_Antonio
- Face_Carlo
- Face_Dario
- Face_Dino
- Face_Enzio
- Face_Frederico
- Face_Francesco
- Face_Giorgio
- Face_Leonardo
- Face_Luigi
- Face_Paolo
- Face_Pietro
- Face_Roberto
- Face_Ruggerio
- Face_Umberto
- Face_Vincenzo
- Face_African
- Face_AfricanAlt
- Face_CenterFwd
- Face_Classic
- Face_Heart
- Face_Heavy
- Face_Long
- Face_LowerFwd
- Face_Narrow
- Face_Oriental
- Face_OrientalAlt
- Face_Round
- Face_Short
- Face_Smooth
- Face_Square
- Face_Teen
- Face_UpperFwd
- Face_Wide
- Face_Zombie
- Brow_Angular
- Brow_Arched
- Brow_CenterClose
- Brow_CenterDown
- Brow_CenterUp
- Brow_Down
- Brow_Evil
- Brow_Frown
- Brow_Heavy
- Brow_OuterDown
- Brow_Wide
- Brow_Up
- Brow_Down_r
- Brow_Down_l
- Brow_Up_r
- Brow_Up_l
- Brow_Angular_r
- Brow_Angular_l
- Cheeks_Sink
- Cheekbones
- Cheek_Creases
- Cheek_CreasesAlt
- Cheeks_FwdFull
- Cheeks_Wide
- UpperFace_Padded
- Chin_Cleft
- Chin_FleshedOut
- Chin_FleshedOutAlt
- Chin_Fwd
- Chin_Large
- Chin_Small
- Chin_Strong
- Jowls
- Mandible_Larger
- Mandible_Small
- Ears_Bigger
- Ears_Elven
- Ears_ElvenAlt
- Ears_FoldOver
- Ears_Height
- Ears_In
- Ears_LobesLonger
- Ears_LobesOut
- Ears_StickOut
- Ears_UpperBig
- Eyes_Bags
- Eyes_Bigger
- Eyes_Blink
- Eyes_Blink_l
- Eyes_Blink_r
- Eyes_Height
- Eyes_LidsHeavy
- Eyes_LowerLidDefine
- Eyes_Oriental
- Eyes_SlantIn
- Eyes_SlantOut
- Eyes_Surprised
- Eyes_WidthIn
- Eyes_WidthOut
- Eyes_UpperDroop
- Eyes_Wince
- Eyes_Wince_l
- Eyes_Wince_r
- Cranium_Larger
- Cranium_Round
- Cranium_SidesOut
- Cranium_Smaller
- Temples_In
- Beard_Full
- Beard_Normal
- Goatee
- Moustache
- Hair_01
- Hair_02
- Hide_Hat
- Mouth_Cnrs_Down
- Mouth_Cnrs_Up
- Mouth_Frown
- Mouth_Higher
- Mouth_Narrow
- Mouth_Open
- Mouth_Smile
- Mouth_SmileAlt
- Mouth_SmileAlt_l
- Mouth_SmileAlt_r
- Mouth_SmileOpen
- Mouth_SmileOpenAlt
- Mouth_Whistle
- Mouth_Wider
- Lips_Bigger
- LowLip_Fill
- LowLip_Fwd
- LowLip_FwdAlt
- LowLip_Part
- LowLip_Thin
- UpLip_Full
- UpLip_Fwd
- UpLip_Padded
- UpLip_Sneer
- UpLip_Thin
- Nose_Back
- Nose_BridgeFwd
- Nose_BridgeSquashed
- Nose_BridgeWider
- Nose_Defined
- Nose_EndBulbous
- Nose_EndLong
- Nose_HeightLong
- Nose_HeightShort
- Nose_Roman
- Nose_Smaller
- Nose_Squashed
- Nose_Thicker
- Nose_Wide
- Nose_UpTurned
- Nostrils_SidesDown
- Nostrils_Wider
- Mouth_A
- Mouth_E
- Mouth_Eh
- Mouth_Er
- Mouth_F
- Mouth_I
- Mouth_Le
- Mouth_IH
- Mouth_M
- Mouth_Nuh
- Mouth_O
- Mouth_Puh
- Mouth_Sh
- Mouth_Te
- Mouth_Tuh
- Mouth_U
- Mouth_Uw
- Mouth_We
- Teeth_UpperFangs
- Tongue_SwayL
- Tongue_SwayR
- Tongue_Fat
- Tongue_Length
- Tongue_CurlDown
- Tongue_CurlUp
- Fix_SalutePose_L
- Fix_SalutePose_R
- Shldr_Size
- TricepsFlex
- UpperArm_Size
- Feet_Wider
- Hamstrings
- Knees_Out
- Leg_Size
- Eyes_Side-Side
- Eyes_Up-Down
- EyeBalls_Sideways
- EyeBalls_Fwd-Back
- EyeBalls_Up-Down
- EyeBalls_Size
- CTRLNeckHeadBend
- CTRLNeckHeadSide-Side
- CTRLNeckHeadTwist
- SCLHeadSize
- SCLChestSize
- CTRLTorsoBend
- CTRLTorsoTwist
- CTRLTorsoSide-Side
- CTRLWaistBend
- CTRLWaistBendBack
- CTRLWaistBendFront
- SCLArmsLength
- SCLForeArmsLength
- SCLHandsSize
- CTRLArmFront-BackL
- CTRLArmFront-BackR
- CTRLArmsFront-Back
- CTRLArmsUp-Down
- CTRLArmTwistL
- CTRLArmTwistR
- CTRLForeArmBendL
- CTRLForeArmBendR
- CTRLShoulderShrug
- CTRLShoulderShrugR
- CTRLShoulderShrugL
- CTRLKneeBendL
- CTRLKneeBendR
- CTRLLegsBend
- CTRLLLegBend
- CTRLRLegBend
- CTRLLegsSplay
- CTRLLLegSide-Side
- CTRLRLegSide-Side
- CTRLLLegTwist
- CTRLRLegTwist
- CTRLFootBendL
- CTRLFootBendR
- CTRLFeetTipToes
- CTRLFootTipToeL
- CTRLFootTipToeR
- SCLLegsLength
- SCLFeetSize
- Female Short Sleeve and Female Long Sleeve
- 4 Props: (.PP2 and .OBJ)
- Pistol
- 3 Hats
- 3 Uniform Texture Options:
- Blue
- Dark Blue
- Light Blue
- 4 Female Hair Texture Options:
- Auburn
- Black
- Light Brown
- Red
- 3 Eye Texture Options:
- Blue
- Brown
- Green
- 18 Full Body Poses (.PZ2)
- Textures Include:
- 32 Texture, Specular, Normal, Bump and Transparency Maps (512x512 to 2048x2048)
- DAZ Studio Material Settings (.DUF)
- Poser Material Poses (.PZ2)
- This product includes:
- 1 Poser Core Installer
- 1 DAZ Studio Companion Files Installer
- 1 Poser Core Installer
- LoREZ Police US1 (.CR2 and .OBJ)