

  • $31.95
    • Demonecornuto by: Predatron, 3D Models by Daz 3D
    • $31.95
    Compatible Software:
    Daz to Unity Bridge, Poser, Daz to Blender Bridge
    Install Types:
    Daz Connect DIM Manual Install

    Optional License Add-Ons:

    −70% $50.00 $15.00
    −70% $1.99 $0.60

    *Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.

    Artist: Predatron
    Compatible Software: Daz to Unity Bridge, Poser, Daz to Blender Bridge
    Install Types: Daz Connect DIM Manual Install

    Optional License Add-Ons:

    −70% $50.00 $15.00
    −70% $1.99 $0.60

    *Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.

  • This product is in these bundles

    • Details

      "Ushered from the fiery abyss came a powerful and menacing creature, its sole purpose to reek havoc and destruction amongst the world of the unsuspecting."
      Chronicles of Dominic Sagan (Chapter 2 Parargraph 34)

      The Demonecornuto, or roughly translated as Horned Demon, is a highly detailed and fully articulated original figure for Poser 6+ and DAZ Studio 2.0. All limbs come with dials to aid in movement, such as bend, twist and rotating several body joints at once. There are 24 Body Morphs, 27 Head Morphs, 10 Tongue Morphs and 11 Eye Morphs. Four highly detailed texture sets are available (Drab, Red, Brown and Black), with the main materials zones for Head, Body and Legs all using maps of 4096 x 4096 pixels.

      The Horns and Teeth both have two texture variations, with the Teeth having 2 morphs to make longer either the upper or lower row.

      The eyes have 13 texture options and have the same UV mapping as the Millennium 3 figures, so you can further enhance this creature with your old eye textures.

      There are 6 great poses available and one reset pose.

      What's Included and Features

      • Demonecornuto Figure (.CR2 and .OBJ)
        • Body Controls
          • UpperBody
            • HeadTwist
            • HeadSide-Side
            • HeadBend
            • TorsoTwist
            • TorsoSide-Side
            • TorsoBend
          • Arms
            • StretchForeArms
            • StretchArms
            • Shrug
            • ArmsUp
            • LForeArmBend
            • LArmTwist
            • LArmFront-Back
            • LArmUp
            • LArmDown
            • RArmTwist
            • RArmFront-Back
            • RArmUp
            • RArmDown
          • Legs
            • StretchLegs
            • LegsSpread
            • LegsSplay
            • LegsBend
            • LLegTwist
            • LLegSide-Side
            • LLegBend
            • RLegTwist
            • RLegSide-Side
            • RLegBend
            • LKneeBend
            • RKneeBend
            • LFootBend
            • RFootBend
            • LFootTipToe
            • RFootTipToe
        • Body Morphs
          • Swallow
          • Inhale
          • CollarBendL
          • CollarBendR
          • BicepFlex_L
          • BicepFlex_R
          • BicepLoose_L
          • BicepLoose_R
          • TricepTightL
          • TricepTightR
          • PectoralFlex
          • PectoralFlexL
          • PectoralFlexR
          • Serratus
          • GluteFlexL
          • GluteFlexR
          • VastusLateralisL
          • VastusLateralisR
          • VastusMedialisL
          • VastusMedialisR
          • KneeOutL
          • KneeOutR
          • CalvesFlexL
          • CalvesFlexR
        • Head Morphs and Controls
          • Eye Controls
            • EyesUp-Down
            • EyesSide-Side
          • Jaw Controls
            • MouthOpen
            • JawSideways
          • Eye Morphs
            • IrisSmall
            • IrisFlat
            • IrisBig
            • PupilSlit_Vert
            • PupilSlit_Horiz
            • PinPointPupil
            • DilatePupil
            • CorneaFlat
            • CorneaBig
            • SqueezeEye
            • ExpandCornea
          • Head Morphs
            • Brow_Down
            • Brow_Evil
            • Brow_Frown
            • Brow_Frown_l
            • Brow_Frown_r
            • Brow_Raised
            • Brow_Raised_l
            • Brow_Raised_r
            • Chin_Strong
            • Cheekbones
            • Ears_Gone
            • EarsPointy1
            • Ears_Pointy2
            • Ears_Small
            • Eyes_Blink
            • Eyes_Blink_l
            • Eyes_Blink_r
            • ForeheadHeavy
            • Gaunt
            • Horns_Gone
            • Jowls
            • MandibleStrong
            • PointyChin
            • Snarl
            • Swallow
            • TeethLow_Longer
            • TeethUp_Longer
          • Tongue Morphs
            • TongueBendUp
            • TongueBendDwn
            • TongueLonger
            • TongueLeft
            • TongueRight
            • TongueNarrow
            • TongueThick
            • TongueTipUp
            • TongueTwistL
            • TongueTwistR
      • Materials (.PZ2, .DS)
        • 4 Body Materials
          • Drab
          • Red
          • Black
          • Brown
        • 13 Eye Texture sets (.PZ2, .DS)
          • 1 Black
          • 4 Green
          • 4 Red
          • 4 Yellow
        • 2 Horn Textures (.PZ2, .DS)
        • 2 Teeth Textures (.PZ2, .DS)
      • Poses
        • 6 Poses and 1 Default Pose (.PZ2)
      • Textures
        • 4 Demone Head Texture and Bump Maps (4096 x 4096)
        • 4 Demone Body Texture and Bump Maps (4096 x 4096)
        • 2 Demone Horn Texture and Bump Maps (2048 x 2048)
        • 4 Demone Legs Texture and Bump Maps (4096 x 4096)
        • 2 Demone Teeth Texture and Bump Maps (2048 x 2048)
        • 9 Demone Eyes Left/Right Texture and Bump Maps (512 x 512)
        • 1 Silver Reflection Map (1024 x 1024)
      • P5+ Material Poses (.PZ2)
      • DAZ Studio pwSurface Material Presets (.DS)
      • Material Poses to Apply All Presets


      • This product has 1 full installer, plus an installer with DAZ Studio optimized psSurface materials.
      • pwSurface is only required for the DAZ Studio material settings.