Collapse Gas Station

Collapse Gas Station

  • $37.99
    • Collapse Gas Station by: Ansiko, 3D Models by Daz 3D
    • $37.99
    Install Types:
    DazCentral Daz Connect DIM Manual Install

    This product is sold under an editorial license.

    Usage restrictions apply.

    Artist: Ansiko
    Install Types: DazCentral Daz Connect DIM Manual Install

    This product is sold under an editorial license.

    Usage restrictions apply.

  • This product is in this bundle

    • Details

      In the context of post-apocalyptic or dystopian fiction, 'collapse' is often used to describe the total or partial collapse of human civilization, leading to a chaotic and unstable world where the rules of ordinary society no longer apply. It's a term that often evokes despair, survival, and resilience in a world plagued by chaos and destruction.

      In this alternate post-apocalyptic world, the futuristic hopes of the 1940s to 1960s have crashed into a landscape devastated by nuclear war. Amidst the ruins and remnants of bygone technology, survivors roam, desperately seeking resources for their daily survival. The once-grand symbols of technological prowess are now abandoned relics, reminders of an era of progress and optimism now reduced to ashes.

      Here is a complete set of two gas stations (one is worn, the other is destroyed) and their accessories. Tires, boxes, chains, sets of bricks on the ground, garage furniture and also a Bracket but also station signs and fuel price range.
      A very wide variety of textures are delivered with these sets.


      What's Included and Features

      <li>Presets (.DUF)
      <li>Collapse Gas Station Destroyed Full Scene.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Gas Station Full Scene.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf 01.duf</li>
      <li>Props (.DUF)
      <li>Collapse Cameras Set.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Barrel.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Box 02.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Boxes 01.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bracket.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bricks Pile 01.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bricks Pile 02.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bricks Pile 03.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bricks Pile 04.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Desk.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Gas Prices Sign.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf 02.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Sign Station.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Tire Car Road.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Tire Truck Off Road.duf</li>
      <li>Materials Iray (.DUF)
      <li>Collapse Barrel Red.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Barrel.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Boxes Old.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Boxes.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bracket Rust.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bracket Worm.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bricks Pile 01.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bricks Pile 02.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bricks Pile 03.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Bricks Pile 04.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Desk Rust.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Desk.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Gas Prices Sign Worm.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Gas Prices Sign.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Gas Station Destroyed.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Gas Station.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf 01.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf 01Rust.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf 02 Rust.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf 02.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf Chains Rust.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf Chains.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf Items Rust.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Shelf Items.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Sign Station Clean.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Sign Station Rust.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Sign Station Worm.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Tire Car Road Dirty.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Tire Car Road Tred Tread.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Tire Car Road Worm.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Tire Truck Off Road Dirty.duf</li>
      <li>Collapse Tire Truck Off Road Worm.duf</li>

      <li>330 Texturemaps (.png) for Emissive, Height, Normal, Roughness, Transparency (1024 x 1024 to 4096 x 4096)</li>

    Additional products used in promo images