* CLOSED* RRRR Story Render Contest

TotteTotte Posts: 13,636
edited May 2016 in The Commons

RRRR Story render contest.

OK, I've decided to bring back an old favorite, the Story RRRR. It was over two years since we did this one, and Luci asked for it in the last contest as well.
New players, read the rules, old players, do the same, as this is not only a little different, but very different from the past RRRR contests. 
Also, I have an idea, the winner of the Funniest category, or in this case the Story category, will be allowed to suggest ideas for the next RRRR. I'm not saying that I will use the suggestion, but I might, depending on how good it is.

Rules of RRRR Story render contest

Who can play?

Anyone can play!

How do you prepare yourself for play?

The rules are very simple, but first you need to have all your items in some kind of order in a text file, dumped from the itemized history into a text file or a spread sheet. Remove things like software, gift certs, and special plugins from the list.
Then you use a randomizer to randomly pick items from your list (your Runtime/My Library) for your start pull . You can use items from any store.

Randomizer that works well:
Random Org

Randomizer where you get all numbers in one draw: random

There are some situations where you allowed to redraw, these are:

- You picked something that doesn’t work, broken thing, only works in a version / software not used etc etc.
- You picked a software or add-on to a software or anything you should have filtered out from the list.
- You picked only huge environment props and will not be able to render a scene without crashing.
- You picked an item you already have been using in two RRRR renders in this content and that was picked randomly. Three is a curse - rule!

Lucky Bastard Rule!
If you have sticky lucky bastards, you pull one extra item for each LB you have, simple as that.

Current Lucky Bastard standing

Name Current LBs
Gopherus 4
purrkat 2
barbult 2
Karibou 2
luci45 1
MelanieL 1
Totte 1

How this round is played
You pull eight items, yes, you heard me, eight items. But the usage of these items are a little special, as you are now supposed to create a story with three images and a story to go with them. You have to use every pulled item at least once, in any of the three images, and you have to use at least two pulled items in any single image. I say it again, Every items has to be used, no less than two items in any of the three images.

You can post your images in this thread as you make them, but the entry should be post as one post with the story, see the example in the Entries only thread

If you pull a bundle, use two three complete items from it, or more if you like, but you do not need to use all, but only picking a hairpin from V4 Complete Bundle is “too little”. Clarification: A bundle still counts as only one pulled item.

Poses, Expressions and textures/colors
If you pull a pose pack, an expression pack or a texture/color pack, you only need to use one of them, not all. For example if you pull 500 expressions for V4, use one, if you pull 128 colors for Frappe Hair, use one.

The rules of madness! 
Now you have successfully and randomly picked your items, make a scene, you can add other items as well but the one you picked should be prominent or cleverly used. Render it, post it and make us all laugh! Remember though that the renders must follow the TOS of the forum. As we have a theme on the contest, the render should in some way touch that theme.

The contest categories! 
There are two categories, different this time though, Best and Story. For the best category, each image will be participating "on it's own", while in the Story category, the story as whole with the images is what will be voted on.

Contest duration!
It stats now at April 8 2016, and will go on until Sunday May 15 at 23:59:59 local DAZ time.

Yes, we have prizes, thanks to our sponsors!
This months sponsors so far:

Totte is sponsoring with one item in each tier from his store 
Dumor3D is sponsoring with one item in each tier from his store.
Linwelly is sponsoring with a $5 DAZ GC in the Story category.
Luci45 is sponsoring with a $25 DAZ GC.
barbult is sponsoring with a $20 DAZ GC.
Karibou is sponsoring with a $20 DAZ GC.
Ken OBanion, RRRRs own protective saint, has put in his usual $100 DAZ GC to the pot. 

More to know?
I will edit this when new info on sponsors arrive.

Maximum number of entries? 
As every story consists of three images, we limit the number of entries, i.e. complete stories to five. The voting will be a little different to, as we will vote for Best on a per image basis, but for the Story on the whole story block.

Are you ready to render in 3….2….1…..go!

Post your entries here together with your pull and your comments, and feel free to comment on other peoples work as well.
We post images in the Entries only thread with tag and name, see the first post for instructions. It is important that the posting rules are followed to make the setup for voting as smooth as possible.
We also post the entries in this thread with a full list of the randomly picked items and also, which is a free choice, other used items.

List of some previous RRRR Contests

In the PC Members Only forum: 
RRRR Summer Edition ( 13 June 2012 - 15 July 2012) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/2065/
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/5053/

RRRR “Back to Reality / My Summer Memory (15 August 2012 - 23 September 2012) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/5759/
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/9315/

In The Commons: RRRR Commons Premiere (9 October 2012 - 18 November 2012) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/9325/
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/12867/

RRRR “Sayings” Contest (6 December 2012 - 31 December 2012) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/12867/
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/12877/
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/15094/

RRRR Contest (18 January 2013 - 24 February 2013) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/15285/
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/15307/
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/17908/

RRRR “April Fool” Contest (with “Mini” Contests) (21 March 2013 - 21 April 2013) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/19109/
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/19108/ 
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/21780/

RRRR Summer Contest (23 May 2013 - 4 August 2013) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/21780/
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/22664/ 
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/27864/

RRRR “Chain” Render Contest (15 September 2013 - 13 October 2013) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/27864/
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/28997/ 
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/31526/

RRRR “Chain” Render Contest - Round II (1 November 2013 - 1 December 2013) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/31615/
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/31760/
Winners Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/33417/

RRRR “Story” Contest (4 December 2013 - 12 January 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/33479/
Entries-Only Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/33478/ 
Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/36407/

RRRR - One day in XXXs life Render Contest: 13 February 2014 - 16 Mars 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/37042/
Entries only thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/37041/
Winners thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/39504/

RRRR Classic (19 May 2014 - 22 June 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/41451/
Entries only/Winners; http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/9325/

RRRR Freak Accindents (15 July 2014 - 10 August 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/43832/
Entries only/Winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/43830/

RRRR Back to renders ( 25 Aug 2014 - 28 September 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/45619/
Entries only/Winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/45617/

RRRR Things to do before you die ( 13 October 2014 - November 9 2014) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/47518/
Entries only/Winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/47517/

RRRR Unleashed (3 December 2014 - 11 January 2015) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/49497/
Entries only/Winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/49496/

RRRR Not on the screen ( 29 January 2015 - 1 March 2015) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/52007/
Entries only: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/52006/
Voting & winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/53400/

RRRR Just Random (25 March 2015 - 3 May 2015) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/54371/
Entries only thread and Winners: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/54370/

RRRR Unlikely Occupations (20 Jun 2015 - 2 August 2015 )   http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/56841/contest-rrrr-unlikely-occupations-with-prizes
Entries only thread:http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/56835/
Winners thread:http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/61494/rrrr-unlikely-occupations-winners-announced

RRRR Stupid is as stupid does (September 1 2015 - October 4 2015) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/61970/rrrr-stupid-is-as-stupid-does-render-contest-closed/
Entries thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/61969/rrrr-stupid-is-as-stupid-does-entries-only-thread
Winners thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/64971/rrrr-stupid-is-as-stupid-does-winners-announced

RRRR Murphy's Law (November 15 2015 - Sunday January 10 2016) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/66026/rrrr-murphy-s-law-render-contest-closed/
Entries Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/66025/rrrr-murphy-s-law-entries-only-thread
Winners thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/70820/rrrr-murphy-winners-announced

RRRR The sequel ( February 11 2016 to Sunday March 20 2016) http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/71563/rrrr-the-sequel-render-contest-closed/
Entries Thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/71562/rrrr-the-sequel-entries-only-thread
Winners thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/78321/rrrr-sequels-winners-announced

Good luck everyone!

Post edited by Totte on


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,816

    Totte, put me on the list with a 5$ GC on the story cathegory.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,636
    edited April 2016

    Story Pull #1

    #4227 Polar Bear by AM (#17848)
    #5455 Susie's Rags (Rendo)
    #3988 Olympia Cityscape (#17284)
    #6496  XTech Bundle for Genesis 2 Female(s)
        #19028 XTech for Genesis 2 Female(s)
        #19029 XTech Dreadlock Ponytail for Genesis 2 Female(s)
    #788 Carnival Presets (#14250)
    #787 Carnivale (#9730)
    #4875 Science Fiction Pistols (#13975)
    REPULL: #2417 Golden Shahara Aging Head Texture/Character Set (An addon to a set I do not have, lol)
    #897 Chess Set #14023 New Pull
    LB #803 Castle Ruins (#11208)

    Random numbers generated Apr 7 2016 at 11:50:30 by www.psychicscience.org  
    Free educational resources for parapsychology and psychical research.

    Post edited by Totte on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,700

    Haha, Totte, you crazy, starting another one already! cheeky I will chip in $25.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,636
    luci45 said:

    Haha, Totte, you crazy, starting another one already! cheeky I will chip in $25.

    This one will be fun, and as you see, images compete by them selves and stories against stories, I think this can be really wicked!

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,103
    edited April 2016

    Alright!  and with 3 images the environment props can be spread out over 3 images.

    Ideas for coming contests?  Well the next one after this story themed one will be leading into summer, so how about a National Lampoon Best / Worst RRRR Vacation.

    Or since the next one will be June ish how about Thiings I Learned / Didn't Learn in School

    Post edited by Gopherus on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,636
    Gopherus said:

    Alright!  and with 3 images the environment props can be spread out over 3 images.

    Ideas for coming contests?  Well the next one after this story themed one will be leading into summer, so how about a National Lampoon Best / Worst RRRR Vacation.

    Or since the next one will be June ish how about Thiings I Learned / Didn't Learn in School

    Great ideas, both are good themes!


  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,700

    laugh Pull #1:

    Warmth for Lilith 6
    The Nova
    Teardrop Camper Poses
    Hat Hat Hat
    Environmental 360 Woods from Starter pack
    Elastic Shorts & Shirt M5 (Mec4D Website - discontinued)
    POTS Female Genesis
    Die Kirche 
    Tanning Bed (LB)

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,192

    So soon? Sounds fun. My first pull is:

    2836 = FWSA Riva (18338)
    220 = Valiant for Michael 4 (7911)
    752 = Unshaven Bundle for Genesis (14661)
    1753 = Christmas Accessories (17844)
    341 = Mage Tower Accessory Pack 3 (10271)
    2902 = Serpentine (10546)
    1002 = Board Games (15604)
    2292 = Jade Renegade Outfit for Genesis 2 Male(s) (19434)
    LB - 3508 = CP - Winter Circlet (23683)

    Could be worse (I half expected to pull 9 environment props)

  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,103
    edited April 2016
    Screen Shot 2016-04-07 at 3.34.23 PM.png
    655 x 479 - 442K
    Post edited by Gopherus on
  • Wow, this sounds cool! Looks like I can escape my vicious cycle of "make 1 entry and dissappear" from the two previous RRRR's. At least I hope so.

    I will make my draw when I'm back to Europe, I didn't bring my list with me. Hopefully it will be better than last time, that one really spoiled the fun. 

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447

    Just to confirm the PM, I'm in for the usual.

    Let the games begin...!

    Pull #1:

    3683 - Dot Check
    646 - Colors for Viking Male Hair
    214 - A Quiet Repose
    5800 - The Youth Camp - Camper's Cabin
    4338 - Ibis for Victoria 3 (??)
    2397 - Beach Hair
    3571 - Severed Man (This could get interesting...!)
    4655 - Central Park - Twilight

    Now to figure out what all this crap is...!  (Victoria 3!?  Seriously!?)


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,088
    edited April 2016

    I got three environments so I am pretty sure where each frame of my story will be taking place!  Not sure why a Spartan warrior would have an American bison in his basement, but the true story will be out soon.  This should be fun.  Put me down for my standard $10 sponsorship.

    CORRECTION: 4 environments, not 3.  Well, that is RRRR for you.

    222  American Bison    http://www.daz3d.com/american-bison

    1406  DH Basement  http://www.daz3d.com/dream-home-basement

    4379  R and R Time   http://www.daz3d.com/r-r-time

    5033  Spartan Warrior  http://www.daz3d.com/spartan-warrior

    5170  String Bikini for Victoria 6   http://www.daz3d.com/string-bikini-for-victoria-6

    6067  West Park Hydrotherapy   http://www.daz3d.com/west-park-hydrotherapy

    1958  Extravagance for Baroque Grandeur  http://www.daz3d.com/extravagance-for-baroque-grandeur

    1504  DH Great Room Breakfast Nook Legacy (?http://www.daz3d.com/dream-home-great-room-breakfast-nook ?)

    Random numbers generated Apr 9 2016 at 6:55:54 by www.psychicscience.org

    Free educational resources for parapsychology and psychical research.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,103
    edited April 2016

    Gopherus #1A 

    1003 Nights   Fantasy Camp III   Amun Raw the Mummy   The Living Room   Rag-erator for DS   Fae Treasure   Captain Runner   Song Bird ReMix 2nd Edition   Lisa s Botanicals Daisy Garden (LB)   Pink Oak Room (LB)           Retro West (LB)   Open Toe Pumps for V4 (LB)

    The Courtship of Almond and Thalia

    Part One – The Wedding

    Almond Rah never had it so good.  He was totally wrapped up in himself.  This second life, thanks to the tanna leaves, was fun!  Fun!  FUN!  And the last thing he wanted was to be tied down.  Even to Thalia.  Nee Ander Thalia.  Beautiful ashen skin.  And a paleo cook that couldn t be surpassed.  Even in the swankiest NYC restaurants.  Nevertheless his gut clenched when she asked him to escort her to her friends wedding.  Surely she knew that he had no heart.  It was on a shelf in his bedroom in a jar with his other vital organs.  Still he swore that he would enjoy himself watching some other schmuck tieing the knot.  What's the worst that could happen?  He should have listened to his instincts!  He laughed when the groom got a charlie horse trying to break the wine glass.  But when the bride threw the bouquet and the tangle of matrons and young wannabes parted, there was Thalia holding the bouquet.  The cursed bouquet!  His mind swam with countless excuses for breaking it off with her.  And ordiinarily he would have had no problems with escaping.  He was wearing his runner suit and could do a marathon in less than a week... a real feat for a mummy dragging mummy wrap from both feet.  But he hadn't counted on the videographers.  Unbeknownst to him one of the film crew for the wedding was non other than Lofn the goddess of marriage... even seeming lost causes.  Will Thalia and Lofn prevail?  Will Almond get his just desserts or will he escape into the desert?  Stay tuned for episode two – The Easter Parade!

    800 x 1000 - 967K
    Post edited by Gopherus on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,394

    @Gopherus you never disappoint! We are off on a wild ride already. "He was totally wrapped up in himself." LOL ROFL. laugh

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,394

    Here is my list:

    Oriental Prosperity DS 4909
    Grim StudioCF 945
    Old West Mercantile Interior Ps 8889
    Capsces Poses Teen Josie 7 22703
    Twister TT StudioCF 10350
    Delivery Sedan and Wagon 1930 StudioCF 12914
    Vandalized Tube Station 13556
    Reflections Victorian Desk DS 13157
    Streetwear Fashion DS 10226 (LB)
    The Raccolet House StudioCF 9988 (LB)

    If I count right, that is 4 environments. Good thing we have 3 renders to spread them out over.

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,655

    woot woot off to a great start here I am off to update my list cause I got lots new stuff the last few days :D!!!

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,655
    edited April 2016

    Saphirewild Pull #1

    #314  Pills Prop (MDC)

    #279  4th Of July Hat Prop (MDC)

    #332  Chainsaw Prop and Pose For M4 (MDC)

    #45  Garden Escape Well (DS)

    #79  Springy (DS)

    #196  Great White Shark (MDC)

    #101  Chimpanzee (MDC)   

    #181  Monarch Of The Glen - Stag (MDC)


    Random Numbers generated 10/04/2016 by Saphirewild @ Random.org - True Random Number Service

    Now I have to go and think hard on what I am going to do for this story!!!

    Post edited by Saphirewild on
  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    edited April 2016

    Hey, folks, I have a question: Does anybody know where I can find the texture templates for Predatron's Step Van?

    I need to do a bit of "customizing", and the templates would really come in handy!

    If anyone can help, I'll appreciate all over ya!

    Post edited by Ken OBanion on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,192

    Hey, folks, I have a question: Does anybody know where I can find the texture templates for Predatron's Step Van?

    I need to do a bit of "customizing", and the templates would really come in handy!

    If anyone can help, I'll appreciate all over ya!

    Good old Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/20130819072730/http://www.daz3d.com/step-van under "Resource Files" - afraid its an .exe unless you're a Mac man.

  • Ken OBanionKen OBanion Posts: 1,447
    MelanieL said:

    Hey, folks, I have a question: Does anybody know where I can find the texture templates for Predatron's Step Van?

    I need to do a bit of "customizing", and the templates would really come in handy!

    If anyone can help, I'll appreciate all over ya!

    Good old Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/20130819072730/http://www.daz3d.com/step-van under "Resource Files" - afraid its an .exe unless you're a Mac man.

    Bless you, Melanie!  Thanks bunches!

    And..., I'm back in business!


  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,655
    edited April 2016

    Saphirewild Pull #1

    #314  Pills Prop (MDC)

    #279  4th Of July Hat Prop (MDC)

    #332  Chainsaw Prop and Pose For M4 (MDC) Had to repull this one for #106 Cobra

    #45  Garden Escape Well (DS)

    #79  Springy (DS)

    #196  Great White Shark (MDC)

    #101  Chimpanzee (MDC)   

    #181  Monarch Of The Glen - Stag (MDC)


    Random Numbers generated 10/04/2016 by Saphirewild @ Random.org - True Random Number Service

    Now I have to go and think hard on what I am going to do for this story!!!

    Saphirewild Tag #1

    "A Sharks Tale Part One"

    Dorma was excited to find the burried treasure, as much as Harold was. So they laid out the Treasure Map and began to trace the steps to where they had to go to start the search for it. Springy came bouncing by and saw the map on the ground and asked Dorma what they were looking at. She told him all about the treasure and how they were going to go and find it. All of a sudden Sharkie the Great White Shark peeked out of his well and yelled over to Harold and asked him what they were up to over there. Harold told him the whole story and asked Sharkie if he could help them find the treasure. He told him that he would be glad to help, but they would have to go through the well with him out to the open sea. Just as they were getting ready to pack things up Kindred the Cobra slithered behind Harold trying to capture Balinda The Blue Tit for his supper. He didn't see Stan The Stag walking up behind him or even notice he was getting ready to stomp on his scaley back.

    A Sharks Tale_A RRRR Story.jpg
    1500 x 927 - 388K
    Post edited by Saphirewild on
  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,103

    Thanks Barbult for your comments!

    @Sapphirewild  Good one!  Love the color.  This looks like it could be the start of an amazing journey.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,394

    Totte, sign me up to sponsor for $20.

  • purrkatpurrkat Posts: 134

    Gopherus - Wonderfull, very festive.

    Saphirewild ​- Great start.


    Pull #1 (@Random.org)

    Sir Graham DS

    Starship Stingray DS

    West Park Treatment Room Specimen DS

    Toonimal Vulture

    Collective3d Portrait Vignettes Sci-Fi 1

    Michael 5

    San Buenaventura StudioCF

    Cheyenne Accessories DS

    Teenage Poses (LB)

    Hero FX Exp Magic 2 (LB)


  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,700
    edited April 2016

    As The World Goes Round and Round - Part One

    Many years ago Jack Barton & wife Jill Dunahea starred in the popular daytime TV drama The World Goes Round and Round. For over a decade well-tanned Jack & cute Jill were America's favorite soap opera couple. In the show's twelfth year tragedy struck in the form of Starlette Vicky Marinague who appeared on the show as well as in real life as Jack's seductress - when Jill caught them in an unscripted steamy embrace both the show & the marriage were over. 

    Warmth for Lilith 6
    The Nova
    Teardrop Camper Poses
    Hat Hat Hat
    Environmental 360 Woods from Starter pack
    Elastic Shorts & Shirt M5 (Mec4D Website - discontinued)
    POTS Female Genesis
    Die Kirche 
    Tanning Bed (LB)

    Used in Render 1:
    Die Kirche; Hat Hat Hat; Environmental 360 Woods from Starter pack; POTS Female Genesis

    Also used (Render 1):
    Zior Hair; Kyle Hair; Joanie; Rhia for Lillith; M6; Le Village Plants; Minato Outfit; G3F Business Skirt; Genesis Zipped Cardigan; Freebie-Chohole Cream Halter Neck texture for POTS

    1800 x 1440 - 708K
    Post edited by luci45 on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,700
    edited April 2016

    As The World Goes Round and Round - Part Two

    Jack and Vicky were a couple for a very short time before leading separate but equally stormy lives and unsucessful acting careers. Meanwhile, as the years went by, Jill, ambitious & driven by a personal vendetta, worked her way up to directing & producing. Whatever Happened To...? was her big opportunity to show the world the pathetic lives of her ex-husband and the woman who stole him from her. 

    Warmth for Lilith 6
    The Nova
    Teardrop Camper Poses
    Hat Hat Hat
    Environmental 360 Woods from Starter pack
    Elastic Shorts & Shirt M5 (Mec4D Website - discontinued)
    POTS Female Genesis
    Die Kirche 
    Tanning Bed (LB)

    Used in Render 2:
    The Nova; Teardrop Camper Poses; Hat Hat Hat; POTS Female Genesis

    Also used (Render 2):
    Joanie; Charming Hair; Hair and Hat Helper G2F; PD Iray Shader Kits 1 & 2; Buzzed Hair; Crazy Hair; G2F Prison Clothes; Sexy Time Lingerie; Freebie-Chohole Black Lurex Texture for POTS; Just Josh; Lucciano;I an-Pierre; Lineup

    control room.jpg
    1800 x 1440 - 669K
    Post edited by luci45 on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,700
    edited April 2016

    As The World Goes Round and Round - Part Three

    Many more years later Reality TV came on the scene & Jill gleefully created a show called As The World Goes Round, featuring "washed-up has-beens" living together in a mansion.  She invited Jack & Vicky to be cast members, hoping to further embarass & humiliate them. Vicky was a bit shocked at Jack's aged & leathery body popping out of a tanning booth, but both had a great time, thanking Jill profusely for the good time. Deciding that Jack & Vicky were witless, guileless & shameless, Jill ended the vendetta, deciding it was time to move on. Jack & Vicky went back to being Jack & Vicky. 

    Warmth for Lilith 6
    The Nova
    Teardrop Camper Poses
    Hat Hat Hat
    Environmental 360 Woods from Starter pack
    Elastic Shorts & Shirt M5 (Mec4D Website - discontinued)
    POTS Female Genesis
    Die Kirche 
    Tanning Bed (LB)

    Used in Render 3:
    Teardrop Camper Poses; Environmental 360 Woods from Starter pack; Elastic Shorts & Shirt M5 (Mec4D Website - discontinued); Die Kirche; Tanning Bed 

    Also Used in Render 3:
    Rhia for Lillith; Wine Me; M6; Jardin de Sevilla Table; G3F Summer Trend Outfit; Zior Hair; Matthew Hair; Vault Rustler; Le Village Plants; Just Josh; various morphs and shaders

    orange man.jpg
    1800 x 1440 - 791K
    Post edited by luci45 on
  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,700
    edited April 2016

    Hey Totte, how do we post these on the voting thread? I think it would work best if all three are in one post. 

    Pull #2:

    V4 Fortune Teller Accessories 
    Space Apes
    Robot Rem
    Millennium Dragon Tack 
    Maces and Cudgels 
    Cockpit (Rendo)
    City Courtyard (LB)
    Char Hair for Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Board Games

    Post edited by luci45 on
  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,103

    excellent!  A complete saga!!  And the world stopped only long enough for Jill to get off!  Now I have to go back to see how many of the old soaps I can remember seeing on the monitor.

    Thanks Purrkat for your comments.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,636
    luci45 said:

    Hey Totte, how do we post these on the voting thread? I think it would work best if all three are in one post.  

    It's perfectly explained in the entries thread, and what a great story! 

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