Flash Sale alerts



  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited November 2015

    I think HorusRa makes a good point, though. If the PC Anniversary sale had been Oct 1-31, there would have been several weeks between the Anniversary sale and Black Friday/Cyber Monday. That's not a lot of time to build up one's discretionary funds, but it's something. With the PA Festival in September and the Anniversary sale in October, budgets are stretched thin anyway. With the PA Festival going long, it pushed the Annniversary sale deep into November.

    Now if the PA Festival was in August instead, even going long wouldn't prevent the PC Anniverary sale from starting October 1.

    Would the PAs suffer financially if their sale were moved to August? I don't know.

    I understand the PA sale used to be in November, (before my time here,) and DAZ customers complained they couldn't afford to take advantage of the sales because they'd spent so much on the Anniversary sale. Now we have the same thing in reverse. Obviously, the issue is having back-to-back sales, regardless of which one is first.

    In all honesty, if "I" had to decide between paying bills or buying addons for my hobby, I would probably find another hobby.

    I don't think this is what HorusRa was saying per se. This month, because of spending his discretionary funds on the two back-to-back sales, he didn't have time to build up those funds before the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales hit. Although DAZ always has something on sale, (if only the new releases,) it's easier to save up for the big sales with a few weeks, or a few months, between them. The lack of "breathing room," I believe, is HorusRa's complaint.

    ETA: HorusRa's last post came in while I was working on this one...

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,321

    I don't think DAZ or the PAs would want a major sale in the summer, particularly July or August. I imagine a lot of people pursue other hobbies in the warmer months, particularly during the lighter evenings of May->August. That means the ideal time for sales of what is an "indoor" hobby, is Sep->April, so if the PA sale was moved from September, where would it go? December is too close to Christmas, as is January to a lesser extent, and April and Febuary are next to March, so they are out. I am sure DAZ has thought about this, and unfortunately there are no easy solutions that will please everyone.

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    L'Adair; yes thats somewhat it. Now, I don't want anyone to get bent out of shape or offended, I'm just saying I wish there was some breathing room (yes, even though no ones forcing me to spend), just a little breathing room, to get finances up just a hair even. That certainly would help in sorting out some of the other issues. Anyway, I'm under and over it, sales gone as far as it goes for me, was mostly before it got started. I'm going to go enjoy my night, spend some movie time with the wife and then later when she goes to sleep, work on more art.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Havos said:

    I don't think DAZ or the PAs would want a major sale in the summer, particularly July or August. I imagine a lot of people pursue other hobbies in the warmer months, particularly during the lighter evenings of May->August. That means the ideal time for sales of what is an "indoor" hobby, is Sep->April, so if the PA sale was moved from September, where would it go? December is too close to Christmas, as is January to a lesser extent, and April and Febuary are next to March, so they are out. I am sure DAZ has thought about this, and unfortunately there are no easy solutions that will please everyone.

    I'm not saying I have the answers, lol, far from it. Merely pointing out a bit of space between sales would be helpful financially to those of us who have to budget our money. I can't speak for others, but my buying habits at DAZ aren't affected by the summer months. I'm always on the lookout for a great deal on products I need or want. Viva la Flash Sales! (Fast Grab, too.)

  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996

    I feel like there are a few conflicting viewpoints.

    - PAs make their art, they work very hard for a long time (or limited time to make it worth their while) and a product is given a price (let's say $20.)

    The problem is their products are rarely standalone items, but rather addons to a large system - it's not like buying their one game; you need many of the games to get anywhere. That price stacks up fast.

    - Professionals and people with a lot of expendable income can grab anything they want whenever they want for their needs. $20 is nothing to Mr. Rich, and $20 is super good value for a versitile asset they'd use in a project.

    - The other set of users, which I think is the majority? - are hobbyists who buy these products because we love making art (or whatever.) We have limited budgets and as hobbys go, this is a rather expensive one. Because of that, a lot of us have to rely on the flash sales, the big month sales, etc. It gives us a time when we can buy into those products. Sure, you make less off them, but you presumably sell a lot more of them to compensate. 

    I couldn't care less if there are other events on in July or August. There are always events on at other times. A nice even spread of different items having their sale time is important to me because I simply don't have the budget for full price items considering the number of items you need for a complete scene. If there aren't sales on putting items into my price range (that have had their chance to sell at full price) then I'll simply stop buying things.

    While I don't know anything about the sales figures or numbers or ratios of when items are sold, I would be willing to bet that without these discount sales being on regularly, Daz and PA income would be severely lessened. I might be wrong, but that's how I feel about it.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,321
    edited November 2015
    L'Adair said:
    Havos said:

    I don't think DAZ or the PAs would want a major sale in the summer, particularly July or August. I imagine a lot of people pursue other hobbies in the warmer months, particularly during the lighter evenings of May->August. That means the ideal time for sales of what is an "indoor" hobby, is Sep->April, so if the PA sale was moved from September, where would it go? December is too close to Christmas, as is January to a lesser extent, and April and Febuary are next to March, so they are out. I am sure DAZ has thought about this, and unfortunately there are no easy solutions that will please everyone.

    I'm not saying I have the answers, lol, far from it. Merely pointing out a bit of space between sales would be helpful financially to those of us who have to budget our money. I can't speak for others, but my buying habits at DAZ aren't affected by the summer months. I'm always on the lookout for a great deal on products I need or want. Viva la Flash Sales! (Fast Grab, too.)

    Whilst I am sure DAZ has every sympathy with those who struggle to afford so many sales coming at once, they are a company, and cold economics make them do what suits best those with larger budgets, as clearly that is where they make most of their money. I personally have no issues when the sales are (although I am often away in the summer, so would prefer them not to be at this time), however there are a lot of competing factors that determines when they can take place.

    Post edited by Havos on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited November 2015
    lx said:
    While I don't know anything about the sales figures or numbers or ratios of when items are sold, I would be willing to bet that without these discount sales being on regularly, Daz and PA income would be severely lessened. I might be wrong, but that's how I feel about it.

    If they weren't making money with the sales, they wouldn't do them. The great thing about digital assets is they don't take up shelf space, so they can keep them around for as long as they want to. Making DAZ Studio free opened up the market to the hobbiest, and certainly increased profits for the PAs, as well as DAZ. While the hobbiest might wait until a product is deeply discounted before buying, it's still a sale DAZ wouldn't have made at all, if they didn't have the hobbiest market. The profit per item may be small, but if a PA make $1 per sale on 1000 sales that wouldn't have happened without the discounts, that's an increase of $1000 in their income. If that comes from a product in their backlist, so much the better.

    I'm just a hobbiest, but I still believe in supporting the PAs to the best of my ability. That means if something comes out that I need, I buy it while it's a new release, even if I don't need it right away. But for things I may or may not need someday, or things I want but don't really need...? Those go in my Wishlist and get picked up when a good sale and my available funds coincide. That's better for the PAs than my not buying those items at all. And I'm sure they know that.

    ETA: Oops. I think we've hijacked the thread. Sorry, folks. Back to your regularly scheduled program...

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,321
    lx said:
    While I don't know anything about the sales figures or numbers or ratios of when items are sold, I would be willing to bet that without these discount sales being on regularly, Daz and PA income would be severely lessened. I might be wrong, but that's how I feel about it.

    Only DAZ and the PAs have the actually statistics for this, but a number of PAs have stated that they make the bulk of the sales (maybe 70-80% of lifetime sales) in the first two weeks of release when items are 30% off. Any later sales will often be at 50-60% off so are worth only half what an initial sale bought in (in cash terms) making them even less important. Of course there are always a few that buy at full price, but I would guess this would be a very small percentage of total sales.

    Naturally these numbers could vary widely from PA to PA, and I remember at least one stating that he made quite a bit of money from his back catalogue, so things are not so simple.

  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996
    L'Adair said:
    lx said:
    While I don't know anything about the sales figures or numbers or ratios of when items are sold, I would be willing to bet that without these discount sales being on regularly, Daz and PA income would be severely lessened. I might be wrong, but that's how I feel about it.

    If they weren't making money with the sales, they wouldn't do them. The great thing about digital assets is they don't take up shelf space, so they can keep them around for as long as they want to. Making DAZ Studio free opened up the market to the hobbiest, and certainly increased profits for the PAs, as well as DAZ. While the hobbiest might wait until a product is deeply discounted before buying, it's still a sale DAZ wouldn't have made at all, if they didn't have the hobbiest market. The profit per item may be small, but if a PA make $1 per sale on 1000 sales that wouldn't have happened without the discounts, that's an increase of $1000 in their income. If that comes from a product in their backlist, so much the better.

    I'm just a hobbiest, but I still believe in supporting the PAs to the best of my ability. That means if something comes out that I need, I buy it while it's a new release, even if I don't need it right away. But for things I may or may not need someday, or things I want but don't really need...? Those go in my Wishlist and get picked up when a good sale and my available funds coincide. That's better for the PAs than my not buying those items at all. And I'm sure they know that.

    ETA: Oops. I think we've hijacked the thread. Sorry, folks. Back to your regularly scheduled program...

    Right, I agree - it's a good system. But prices have been creeping up and sales prices decreasing, and that's leading toward a system I won't be able to take part in anymore, and I can't be the only one. I want to support PAs all I can, but what they really need is a growing audience, not rising prices.

  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996
    Havos said:
    lx said:
    While I don't know anything about the sales figures or numbers or ratios of when items are sold, I would be willing to bet that without these discount sales being on regularly, Daz and PA income would be severely lessened. I might be wrong, but that's how I feel about it.

    Only DAZ and the PAs have the actually statistics for this, but a number of PAs have stated that they make the bulk of the sales (maybe 70-80% of lifetime sales) in the first two weeks of release when items are 30% off. Any later sales will often be at 50-60% off so are worth only half what an initial sale bought in (in cash terms) making them even less important. Of course there are always a few that buy at full price, but I would guess this would be a very small percentage of total sales.

    Naturally these numbers could vary widely from PA to PA, and I remember at least one stating that he made quite a bit of money from his back catalogue, so things are not so simple.

    Following those lines though, most of the money is made in the first two weeks (which is fine and great) but then once the product is no longer "new" it doesn't really matter what the price is, so why make the sales smaller over time? 

    I should point out I'm in no way saying new releases should all be cheaper and be added to sales; they're fine as they are with their release deals. It's the older stuff that's already not that relevant that I think is becoming less worthwhile to grab.

    Back to on topic Flash Sales: The same one's still on. 

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    Havos: I just posted a question for you on that discussion we were having about the low res characters in that other thread. You may get a notice, maybe not. Its near the top in the Commons.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678
    edited November 2015

    ...so anyone have the Wear Them All fit clones for G3F?  Does it also handle dresses very well?  Seems the description mostly seems to refer to tight fitting clothing like slacks/shorts.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,359
    kyoto kid said:

    ...so anyone have the Wear Them All fit clones for G3F?  Does it also handle dresses very well?  Seems the description mostly seems to refer to tight fitting clothing like slacks/shorts.

    Yes, it works well with dresses. Here is a test render with Eva 7 in a long Genesis dress and Teen Josie 7 in a Victoria 4 dress. Notice that I still see the normal autofit texture stretching in the V4 skirt. I think that is a projection template problem, isn't it? I think the Wear Them All clones are working well.

    G3F Wear Them All.jpg
    1236 x 1600 - 583K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678

    ..OK thanks [clicks "Submit Order"].

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited November 2015

    Looks like the 55% is storewide for Cyber Monday. I see two banners for Flash Sales with an additional 20% off the 55%:


    This is the changeover time, (following DAZ Midnight,) so the actual prices may take a while to catch up...

    ETA: Looks like PC+ items are not excluded!

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996

    Congratulations! The thing you were waiting for all day yesterday and bought on sale is now on a much better sale!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678
    edited November 2015

    ...wonderful. Could have saved 3.25$ on Mec4D's PBS Shaders. On my incredibly meager budget, saving every zloty I can is  important.

    Could have also saved me time on Saturday waiting for the I - M category which was late in starting (by about two and a half hours).

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996
    kyoto kid said:

    ...wonderful. Could have saved 3.25$ on Mec4D's PBS Shaders. On my incredibly meager budget, saving every zloty I can is  important.

    Could have also saved me time on Saturday waiting for the I - M category which was late in starting (by about two and a half hours).

    Yup bought the exact same thing. If the other popular PAs that I bought from all weekend turn up in those flash sales, it'll start adding up fast :/

  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917

    4 items in my wishlist just came up in the sale.  More money spent! Oh dear.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,678
    edited November 2015

    ...bugger, I need a Delorean with a Flux Capacitor and Mr Fusion to get the best deal.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • lx said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...wonderful. Could have saved 3.25$ on Mec4D's PBS Shaders. On my incredibly meager budget, saving every zloty I can is  important.

    Could have also saved me time on Saturday waiting for the I - M category which was late in starting (by about two and a half hours).

    Yup bought the exact same thing. If the other popular PAs that I bought from all weekend turn up in those flash sales, it'll start adding up fast :/

    Misery loves company. I also bought them too soon. 

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Contact support and ask for a partial refund ...

  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996
    edited November 2015

    I put in a ticket about it. I didn't actually ask for a refund, just tried to point out how mind-bogglingly ...interesting... it is to put items on sale and then put them back on sale at a lower price the day after.

    Why would you do something that is clearly going to upset every customer that just bought your products?

    Why would you want that many support tickets coming in as a result?

    Who made this briliant decision? Are they going to be in charge of future sales?

    I bought a whole bunch of items at 55% off during the Black Friday / Mega sale. I wonder how many others are about to appear at 65% off.

    Also, my math is terrible. Can someone explain the formula that makes 55% + additional 20% become 65% ?

    Post edited by lx_2807502 on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,136
    edited November 2015
    kyoto kid said:

    ...so anyone have the Wear Them All fit clones for G3F?  Does it also handle dresses very well?  Seems the description mostly seems to refer to tight fitting clothing like slacks/shorts.

    Wear Them All adds clones, so you have more source figures. If you want more clothing types you need to add templates, so SY Ultra Templates would be what you need.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,321
    edited November 2015
    lx said:

    I put in a ticket about it. I didn't actually ask for a refund, just tried to point out how mind-bogglingly ...interesting... it is to put items on sale and then put them back on sale at a lower price the day after.

    Why would you do something that is clearly going to upset every customer that just bought your products?

    Why would you want that many support tickets coming in as a result?

    Who made this briliant decision? Are they going to be in charge of future sales?

    I bought a whole bunch of items at 55% off during the Black Friday / Mega sale. I wonder how many others are about to appear at 65% off.

    Also, my math is terrible. Can someone explain the formula that makes 55% + additional 20% become 65% ?

    Discounts always multiple not add, so it is 20% off the remaining 45%, so the total discount is around 65%

    Post edited by Havos on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 97,708
    edited November 2015
    lx said:
    Also, my math is terrible. Can someone explain the formula that makes 55% + additional 20% become 65% ?

    55% off = pay 45% of price

    20% off = pay 80% of price

    45% of 80% of price = 36% of price

    36% of price = 64% off, 65% is probably rounding.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996

    Yeah, I got the figures working now. Thanks - I'm bad at calculators.

  • For the sake of us that subscribe to this thread for alerts to new sales, may I kindly request that the discussion move to another thread? I don't want to be overbearing, but my inbox is flush with notifications from the conversations here over the past few days.

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,430
    edited November 2015

    Extra 20% off PAs have rotated. Ar least it says so in the banner but price hasn't caught up with the store page.yet.

    Slide3D: http://www.daz3d.com/slide3d

    Larsen: http://www.daz3d.com/larsen

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,359
    kyoto kid said:

    ..OK thanks [clicks "Submit Order"].

    I think you'll like it. Be sure to read through the included PDF file for some tips on using smoothing and subD.

This discussion has been closed.