Sphere of Light & Dawn to Dusk Lighting 2 - Environment Lighting for DAZ Studio [Commercial]



  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    The light comes from the sphere and points directly on the ground, correct?

    Essentially, yes.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    The light comes from the sphere and points directly on the ground, correct?
    Essentially, yes.good question.
    I want to avoid "Trade Secrets", so lets stick with Uber (Dawn to Dusk Lighting 2) for my enhancement of that question. I know I dont see a spsfic "sky dome light" in the scene tab with DtD2, I am curious tho.

    From what little I grasped, the light sphere casts light toward the center of the sphere from all directions (sky Dome light?). The sun light casts light from a single point off in infinity some where (sun). And the "Occlusion w/Directional Shadows" mimics light bouncing off objects in the scene from the sky dome light (EnvironmentSphere)?

    Or dose that "Occlusion w/Directional Shadows" (Dawn to Dusk 2 Lights *.*) also do the light from the sky directly as well?

    Dose the "EnvironmentSphere" actually cast any light onto the ground at all, or is it just a picture of the sky that dose not cast shadows?

    I ask because Abner and Szark were talking about using intensity maps to make sky-domes in another thread with Uber Something, and it went way over my head, lol. No disrespect Abner and Szark, I'm like back in "This is what a light is" course level, lol.

  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    The light comes from the sphere and points directly on the ground, correct?
    Essentially, yes.
    good question.
    I want to avoid "Trade Secrets", so lets stick with Uber (Dawn to Dusk Lighting 2) for my enhancement of that question. I know I dont see a spsfic "sky dome light" in the scene tab with DtD2, I am curious tho.

    From what little I grasped, the light sphere casts light toward the center of the sphere from all directions (sky Dome light?). The sun light casts light from a single point off in infinity some where (sun). And the "Occlusion w/Directional Shadows" mimics light bouncing off objects in the scene from the sky dome light (EnvironmentSphere)?

    Or dose that "Occlusion w/Directional Shadows" (Dawn to Dusk 2 Lights *.*) also do the light from the sky directly as well?

    Dose the "EnvironmentSphere" actually cast any light onto the ground at all, or is it just a picture of the sky that dose not cast shadows?

    I ask because Abner and Szark were talking about using intensity maps to make sky-domes in another thread with Uber Something, and it went way over my head, lol. No disrespect Abner and Szark, I'm like back in "This is what a light is" course level, lol.

    Yes, the Environment Sphere is just a prop used to add imagery to the preview window so you get a better feel for the light the UberEnvironment Light is going to create and, if you choose, to your render. The UE light is actually invisible. It's what some people call an infinity light. That is a light that is always bigger than whatever it is you are trying to render. It's kind of the opposite of a point light. Instead of casting light out on to your scene in all directions it casts light into your scene from all directions. Then we add what we call an environment map to the mix. What it does is control the light created by the UE. It blocks the light in some areas, partially blocks it in other areas while leaving it untouched in others. At the same time the Environment Map also acts like a light gel by coloring the light as it 'passes through' the map.

    To simulate the bouncing of light you change from Occlusion to Indirect Lighting. This will increase render times. How much it increases depends on how complex your scene.

  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,184
    edited December 1969

    I think I have a good idea, I just have to figure out how to execute it.

    I am thinking of setting up a sphere or other primitive with some king of marker indicating where the primary light source is, lets say if I use one of the images with a sun or moon on it, I would then parent it to the light sphere so as I rotate the sphere I can see where the light is coming from.

    I tried the bone method and I think I got it but its still not as exact as I would like for it to be. Also the sun or moon are not always visible from where I would like it to cast.

    I have another light set that has different time and position presets. If this method works I think I may try to make my own.

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
    edited December 1969

    So here are my trials, both are with Brittany HD the first is sphere of light second is dawn to dusk

    400 x 520 - 24K
    400 x 520 - 25K
  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
    edited December 1969

    These are both from dawn to dusk

    400 x 520 - 61K
    400 x 520 - 53K
  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    I think I have a good idea, I just have to figure out how to execute it.

    I am thinking of setting up a sphere or other primitive with some king of marker indicating where the primary light source is, lets say if I use one of the images with a sun or moon on it, I would then parent it to the light sphere so as I rotate the sphere I can see where the light is coming from.

    I tried the bone method and I think I got it but its still not as exact as I would like for it to be. Also the sun or moon are not always visible from where I would like it to cast.

    I have another light set that has different time and position presets. If this method works I think I may try to make my own.

    Here's a (very dirty) test render to show that this is very possible to do. Camera I used for targeting is right behind the model, where the wide bar shadow is on the floor.

    I'll work on something to help you figure out the direction of the sun tomorrow. Should either have something for you or be able to tell you how to do it then.

    1000 x 1000 - 1004K
  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    dkgoose said:
    These are both from dawn to dusk

    Thanks for sharing. 1st two pics are using the one of the night presets?

  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,184
    edited December 1969

    This is pretty close to what I wanted. I think it came out nice, it actually looks like a night time render.

    1053 x 1489 - 473K
  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
    edited December 1969

    Yes, the first is one of the night sets from sphere of light, the second one is a night set from from dawn to dusk 2, the sphere of light remder room longer but looks great

    dkgoose said:
    These are both from dawn to dusk

    Thanks for sharing. 1st two pics are using the one of the night presets?

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    I never mentioned Thanks for the help understanding this Uber environment light thing InaneGlory.

    Also, nice renders JohnDelaquiox and dkgoose. The one almost reminds me of the dark elf promos, very nice.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,333
    edited December 1969

    The same scene rendered using different Dawn to Dusk presets

    1188 x 719 - 411K
    1200 x 726 - 292K
    1200 x 705 - 416K
  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    I never mentioned Thanks for the help understanding this Uber environment light thing InaneGlory.

    Also, nice renders JohnDelaquiox and dkgoose. The one almost reminds me of the dark elf promos, very nice.

    Glad I could help.

  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    Beautiful render everyone!

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    Just a note of thanks..while I have nothing share-worthy, I'm loving my Sphere of Light, and Dawn to Dusk 2 will come home this weekend. :)

    Once I have something reasonable, I might post it here.. just playing right now!

  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    Here's a better version of the Sphere casting light through a window. Scenery is the inside of one of the top floor apartments in Stonemason's City Courtyard. Scene surfaces are pretty much default except I turned off the blinds (to let more light in) and window glass (to simplify the render). Since this was the perfect candidate for it he top render uses the Indirect Lighting Camera while the second render shows the same scene using a standard DS camera. The second render also used DS's Progressive Rendering option and that is partly (but not totally) responsible for the much grainier look. While I'm not sure the Progressive render option is really ready for finished Promo quality renders I highly recommend using it for test renders as it seriously cuts render times.

    2000 x 2000 - 3M
    2000 x 2000 - 2M
  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    How to create a visually prop that will show you the position of the sun when using the Sphere of Light.

    Create a 1 meter square primitive cube. Set the Z Scale to 200-300%. Right click on the Cube in the scene tab and select 'change parent' When the new window opens check the 'show hidden nodes' at the bottom of the window. Now parent the Cube to the now visible Sun node. In the parameters tab for the Cube, zero all the rotations (but not the translations). The cube should now be pointing at the Sun and will continue to do so when you rotate the Sphere or apply a new sky preset.

  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,184
    edited September 2014

    Ok, that works perfectly.

    I hope this will help too.

    As suggested I created a 1 Meter cube, scaled it to 300% and parented to the sun node.

    Using the Geometry editor tool I colored the rear face of the cube, when the cube is parented to the sun node, the front face is the one that faces the node and the rear is the one that indicated the direction the light is going to shine

    I then created a new camera and parented it to the sun node, then switched to the new camera in the view selector, in the parameters I selected the cube and did a view frame and then moved the camera back a little bit

    Now you not only have the cube as a visual indicator but if you use the camera you parented to the node you can see where the light is going to shine on the scene.

    I took a screen cap of the way the set up looks when you use the cube and another of how it looks when using the sun camera.

    In this scene I wanted to light to cast from behind the ruins.

    If you get a cone and parent it to a cylinder you can essentially make an arrow prop and use that rather than the cube.

    764 x 791 - 159K
    771 x 788 - 115K
    Post edited by JohnDelaquiox on
  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
    edited September 2014

    Here's one again using the night setting 1 on from Dawn to Dusk 2

    800 x 1040 - 77K
    Post edited by Dkgoose on
  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    Cool to see people are having fun with the nighttime scenes.

    I never really talked about one of the primary features of the Sphere: it was designed from the ground up to work with any of my Photo Studio light sets giving you access to a full environment lighting option that blends beautifully with the portrait lighting you get in all the Photo Studio sets. The pic pairs a Point and Shoot 2 light set with Sphere providing light from outside the big picture window.

    2000 x 2000 - 2M
  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,184
    edited December 1969

    So far I have to say I love this set. Its, awesome, render times are increased to the point where I just leave them over night but that's fine. The renders come out great. One thing that I do need is a I guess an IBL set of space.

    like this

  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    So far I have to say I love this set. Its, awesome, render times are increased to the point where I just leave them over night but that's fine. The renders come out great. One thing that I do need is a I guess an IBL set of space.

    like this

    Yes, I thought about doing something like that and will work on making it a priority idea in an expansion/texture set that I'm just starting to think about making. The other thing I'm definitely going to work on is some serious bad weather scenes/lighting. Beyond that I'm not really sure what I'll do so now is the time to let me know if there is something that you think I missed on creating. ;-)

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,311
    edited December 1969

    Ok, a little something different this time. Sphere of Light, but with a set of textures and settings by me; this was one case were the final result was absolutely not what I had planned :lol: but I like it anyway...

    A test image for some new (free) textures and settings I'm trying to create for the sphere of light

    @JohnDelaquiox, well creating textures with sunrays is not exactly easy, but this set happens to have some of that effect .... it is just not ready for release

    900 x 600 - 274K
  • r.glen.grusmarkr.glen.grusmark Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    Using Dawn to Dusk 2, why the blotchy, mottled shadows?

    1066 x 600 - 277K
  • InaneGloryInaneGlory Posts: 294
    edited December 1969

    Using Dawn to Dusk 2, why the blotchy, mottled shadows?

    Because Dawn to Dusk 2 is based on an UberEnvironment2 light and by default it loads up with a 'draft' quality setting. To change that you can use one of the quality presets in the UberEnvironment2 folder (or the quality presets in Dawn to Dusk 1) or you can manually slide the Occlusion Samples up to something like 96 or 128 and lower the shading rate to something like 2 or 1. This will increase your render times. The idea is that you do your test renders with the lights at their default 'draft' settings to see that everything is setup as you want before you switch to a higher quality setting for your final render.

  • r.glen.grusmarkr.glen.grusmark Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the quick and easy response!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited December 2014

    First, I'm a complete novice at all of this, so please bear with me.

    I recently purchased Sphere of Light and I can't load any of the presets. The "IG Sphere of Light" and the Indirect Lighting Camera both load fine. But when I try to load a preset I get the following message:
    An error occurred while reading the file, see the log file for more details.

    When I pull up the log file, the entry is:
    Error reading file, see log for more details.

    FYI, I upgraded to DAZ Studio 4.7 when it was released.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Update: I finally figured it out. For anyone else struggling, here's what works. Simple, really. With the "IG Sphere of Light" in your scene and selected, open the Smart Content tab. Click on "Materials" for sphere variations and click on "Poses" for the light/time variations.

    I can hardly wait to see the scene I have rendering now. :)

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • Why do my renders end up pixalated using dawn to dusk lighting?

  • Why do my renders end up pixalated using dawn to dusk lighting?

    Not exactly sure what you mean by pixalated. If you mean dirty looking, noisy pictures or blotchy shadows take a look at my post above and try those solutions. If it's something else please let me know and I'll try to figure out what we can do to fix this for you.

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