DAZ Install Manager (DIM), Now Available!

DAZ_VinceDAZ_Vince Posts: 114
edited January 2016 in The Commons

DAZ 3D is pleased to announce the next public version of DAZ Install Manager - version!

What is new in this version?

The version makes improvements to, or fixes issues discovered since, the General Release. More detail on specific fixes/changes/improvements can be found in the Change Log, which can be viewed online within the Documentation Center portion of our site. All new downloads of DAZ Install Manager will be of this version. highlights are:

1) The Valentina based CMS has been removed from the standard distribution, and is no longer installed by default. Current versions of Install Manager, DAZ Studio and Carrara all now use/prefer the PostgreSQL based CMS - which can be downloaded and installed using Install Manager. Users that have anti-virus/firewall compatibility conflicts with PostgreSQL (i.e. ZoneAlarm) can request the Valentina based CMS installer via Customer Support; this will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

*Note: Previous installations of the Valentina based CMS are not exported, stopped or uninstalled as part of this update; users should export/backup data, stop and/or uninstall the service as desired post-conversion.

2) Implemented support for URI commands that omit the account identifier. This allows commands to be sent from external sources (i.e. DAZ Studio, Carrara, html, etc) using the daz3dim URI scheme; see the Change Log for more detail.

3) Implemented support for the [experimental] “bundle” URI command. This command is used to retrieve the SKUs of the bundled products, which is then used to construct a filter and populate the Filter Field, thereby filtering the lists of packages to only those provided by the bundle.

*Note: The bundled SKUs are determined by the store, not install Manager itself. The store's response is currently based on the most recently purchased bundle that provided a given SKU for a given account. Products that have been manually added to an account, without a proper order (i.e. through interaction with Customer Service or a "mass grant"), have no association to a specific bundle and may not be in the resulting filter.

4) Implemented support for the “filter” URI command. This command is used to populate the Filter Field and thereby filter the lists of packages being displayed.

5) Implemented support for using the “download” URI command without specifying an account. This command is used to trigger the start of a download for a associated with the account, and therefore requires an active connection.

6) Implemented support for using the "refresh" URI command without specifying an account. This command is used to trigger a refresh of the package lists.

7) Extended the "refresh" URI command to support page switching.

8) Added a "Share Filter…" option to the bottom of the Filter Menu. This option allows you to share custom filters that you create, by turning the current filter into a URI command that you can paste into a message to another user.

9) Added support for "sub-filtering". This allows filters to use " && " (space, ampersand, ampersand, space) to refine the filtered results; i.e. tag::all::rx::^.*PublicBuild$ && type::Plugin

10) Several updates/improvements have been made to the Default Filters; SKU ranges and Release Channels.

How do I get the latest version?

If you have previously installed the Install Manager application and the computer it is installed on is connected to the internet, you can simply launch the application and log into your account. Once connected, you will be notified that an update has been detected and you will be prompted to "Update" or "Work Offline". Click the "Update" button and the application will take care of the rest.

Optionally, you can locate, download and install the application from the Product Library [once you are logged into your account] by entering "Install Manager" into the text field near the top left of the page and clicking the "Filter" button, or by clicking here for Windows users, or here for Mac users.

If this is your first time downloading and/or installing Install Manager, simply follow this link, click the "download free now" button on the page and then run the downloaded installer.

*Note: If you are on a computer running the Windows operating system, you have an nVidia based graphics card installed along with another non nVidia graphics card (e.g. an Ivy bridge CPU), you have a recent graphics driver installed and you experience a crash during the uninstaller phase of the update... it is recommended that you download the installer from the Product Library (see above) and run it manually.

Is there any documentation?

Yes, documentation is located here. Clicking the "Help" button in the top right corner of the application main window will launch your [default] browser to the same location.

Post edited by DAZ_Steve_2154153 on


  • atryeuatryeu Posts: 612
    edited December 1969

    The "Remember Me" tick isn't working correctly and I keep having to retype my password each time I start the program :(

    Nice job with the smaller installer size though! I was expecting another 5+ hour download on dialup but it was only 30mb (about 3 hours to download).

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited December 1969

    I was wondering when the DIM would improve it's bundle recognition. Does this mean that the store will now finally consider all the Starter Bundles from all the Pro Bundles I own as "Purchased"?

  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 690
    edited December 1969

    I upgraded - now I can't sign in at all. Any ideas on how to fix it?

  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 690
    edited December 1969

    Okay, I get it. You have to reboot. Then you can log on fine.

  • jpb06tjpb06t Posts: 272
    edited December 1969

    atryeu said:
    The "Remember Me" tick isn't working correctly and I keep having to retype my password each time I start the program :(

    Nice job with the smaller installer size though! I was expecting another 5+ hour download on dialup but it was only 30mb (about 3 hours to download).

    Confirm. Remember me checked but nothing in the password field.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,844
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_Vince said:

    3) Implemented support for the [experimental] “bundle” URI command. This command is used to retrieve the SKUs of the bundled products, which is then used to construct a filter and populate the Filter Field, thereby filtering the lists of packages to only those provided by the bundle.

    *Note: The bundled SKUs are determined by the store, not install Manager itself. The store's response is currently based on the most recently purchased bundle that provided a given SKU for a given account. Products that have been manually added to an account, without a proper order (i.e. through interaction with Customer Service or a "mass grant"), have no association to a specific bundle and may not be in the resulting filter.

    Is this something accessible to users? I couldn't find anything in the documentation about it. How does it work? The change log implies that it was removed.
  • atryeuatryeu Posts: 612
    edited December 1969

    Just an update.... Apparently, like somebody else said, you have to restart the computer for this version to work correctly. The "Remember Me" tick is working fine today after I started the computer up this morning and my password was remembered in the field. Previous versions didn't need to have the computer restarted, so perhaps Daz staff should have listed that needed to be done this time since it was not something ever needed in the past versions :(

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,482
    edited June 2015

    Oh dear ...

    OK - it installed on the 3rd. try. Store must be busy.

    469 x 207 - 24K
    Post edited by marble on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,231
    edited June 2015

    DAZ staff would have mentioned the need to restart the computer if it was known to be an issue. No changes were made in that area of the code, and the issue described has not turned up in our testing. Yes, we do have various account configurations that we test on a regular/frequent basis... most staff members use the application the same way everyone else does, including the development team when we're not debugging.

    The “Lookup Bundle…” option in the top of the filter menu was removed from the UI, as it doesn't currently result in what the average user expects (hence the caveat in red). Support for the "bundle" URI command is still there. The Change Log provides examples of the "bundle" URI command in the entries for the build; I discovered late yesterday that the forum software strips the colon from hyperlinks that use a non-standard scheme (i.e. daz3dim), otherwise I'd post examples in my response. Do note that Install Manager needs to already be running, and you need to already be logged into your account, for the command to produce a result.


    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • jpb06tjpb06t Posts: 272
    edited December 1969

    I can confirm that after a reboot the password was there. Rule #0 of programming/system administration: power off/power on :lol:

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,844
    edited December 1969

    rbtwhiz said:
    DAZ staff would have mentioned the need to restart the computer if it was known to be an issue. No changes were made in that area of the code, and the issue described has not turned up in our testing. Yes, we do have various account configurations that we test on a regular/frequent basis... most staff members use the application the same way everyone else does, including the development team when we're not debugging.

    The “Lookup Bundle…” option in the top of the filter menu was removed from the UI, as it doesn't currently result in what the average user expects (hence the caveat in red). Support for the "bundle" URI command is still there. The Change Log provides examples of the "bundle" URI command in the entries for the build; I discovered late yesterday that the forum software strips the colon from hyperlinks that use a non-standard scheme (i.e. daz3dim), otherwise I'd post examples in my response. Do note that Install Manager needs to already be running, and you need to already be logged into your account, for the command to produce a result.


    Thanks for the info about the bundle stuff.

    I did not have to reboot after installing the new DIM. For me it behaved just like previous versions. The first time I logged in after checking the remember me box, it did not remember me, and I had to reenter my password. The next time I logged in, and from then on, it did remember me. There is something odd about just that first login that never remembers my password after an update.

  • argel1200argel1200 Posts: 757
    edited December 1969

    No restart needed here. The DIM crashed the first time I had it download and install some stuff but has worked fine since.

  • gingercakes47gingercakes47 Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    The update worked right away.

  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 690

    Can someone explain how to use the filters?


    9) Added support for "sub-filtering". This allows filters to use " && " (space, ampersand, ampersand, space) to refine the filtered results; i.e. tag::all::rx::^.*PublicBuild$ && type::Plugin

  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 690

    Thanks for the pointer. With 11,000 items in DIM this will be helpful.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    I just opend DIM and it asked me to Sign the EULA, so I go to it and it states I must be logged in to Sign...BUT I AM ALREADY SIGNED IN so I logged out and back in but it still won't let me sign, so now I can't use DIM.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,909

    If your using DIM log in and it will pop up the box about the new EULA. Go and agree to it. Come back to DIM and close that box and sign in as normal. I just tried it and it worked.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    Thanks Frank that was what I was trying to do for 3 hours so I just tried again and now the EULA submit button is showing. But it does show how buggy this new system is. Let's hope it settlled down soon.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,868

    So what changed in the EULA this time around? (I wish they would highlight or date changes or do something so that we could tell what happened more easily.)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,579
    vwrangler said:

    So what changed in the EULA this time around? (I wish they would highlight or date changes or do something so that we could tell what happened more easily.)

    From a line-by-line comparison to the previous EULA:

    1) The old EULA had a paragraph repeated, the new one takes the duplicate out

    2) The old EULA's section allowing 3d printing for personal use was actually under the Gaming License section; the new EULA has that same text under the general license section.

  • vwrangler said:

    So what changed in the EULA this time around? (I wish they would highlight or date changes or do something so that we could tell what happened more easily.)

    From a line-by-line comparison to the previous EULA:

    1) The old EULA had a paragraph repeated, the new one takes the duplicate out

    2) The old EULA's section allowing 3d printing for personal use was actually under the Gaming License section; the new EULA has that same text under the general license section.

    Seeing as this was buried in another thread, and I just started a thread on the topic unaware of this conversation here.


    Is that the only change?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,579

    Yes, those are the only changes.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Thank you for telling us!

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,830

    Is anyone else having trouble accepting the EULA?

    DIM is prompting me to accept the new EULA. When I go to https://www.daz3d.com/eula, it says "You must be logged in to sign the License Agreement". However, that message appears whether I'm logged in or not. And the 'Accept' button that is supposed to be present somewhere on the page never shows up.

    I've now tried this with three browsers -- Chrome, Safari and Firefox -- on MacOS X 10.10 (Yosemite), and with IE10 on Windows 8, and none of them display any visible 'Accept' button (and all of them remind me that I need to be logged in, even when I am).

  • HoMartHoMart Posts: 480

    Is anyone else having trouble accepting the EULA?

    DIM is prompting me to accept the new EULA. When I go to https://www.daz3d.com/eula, it says "You must be logged in to sign the License Agreement". However, that message appears whether I'm logged in or not. And the 'Accept' button that is supposed to be present somewhere on the page never shows up.

    I've now tried this with three browsers -- Chrome, Safari and Firefox -- on MacOS X 10.10 (Yosemite), and with IE10 on Windows 8, and none of them display any visible 'Accept' button (and all of them remind me that I need to be logged in, even when I am).

    same here, cant use DIM anymore ´cause I can not accept that EULA - just because there is no button to accept

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Try going to your product library, in your account, and see if you can accept it from there.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,909
    HoMart said:

    Is anyone else having trouble accepting the EULA?

    DIM is prompting me to accept the new EULA. When I go to https://www.daz3d.com/eula, it says "You must be logged in to sign the License Agreement". However, that message appears whether I'm logged in or not. And the 'Accept' button that is supposed to be present somewhere on the page never shows up.

    I've now tried this with three browsers -- Chrome, Safari and Firefox -- on MacOS X 10.10 (Yosemite), and with IE10 on Windows 8, and none of them display any visible 'Accept' button (and all of them remind me that I need to be logged in, even when I am).

    same here, cant use DIM anymore ´cause I can not accept that EULA - just because there is no button to accept

    Are you logged into the store when you go to the accept EULA screen? I tried it yesterday when these issues started and it worked just fine for me. What should happen is log into the store, open DIM, once the prompt opens go to where it wants you, there should be an option to check off and agree, go back to DIM, close the update prompt and log into DIM. Try that and see what you get. If it's still an issue we could notify DAZ that there is an issue. It's hard to send somehting when it worked fine and I can't reproduce it.

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,830
    Chohole said:

    Try going to your product library, in your account, and see if you can accept it from there.

    Thank you, Chohole. That worked for me. 

  • Yoiu can also just click the Licensing Agreement link at the foot of any page. If you need to accept again the box will be there (assuming you are logged in).

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