RRRR Murphy voting thread

TotteTotte Posts: 13,622

Come on in, cast your votes ladies and gentlemen!

Anyone can vote, not only those participating in the actual contest. You can vote for any entries except for you own entries, and we vote in two categories, Best and Funniest. Best is more of a traditional render contest voting where funniest more takes the humorous look at the image. Some images have a few lines of text explaining the story behind them, which often helps the voting, specially in the funniest category.  Each win (1st to 3rd place) will also give the winner a sticky Lucky Bastard pull, which means the next round will be a little harder.

Entries thread here: Entries thread
Vote here:  RRRR Voting

So, what are we voting about?
What are the prizes?

Winner in the Best category:
– One item from the Dumor3D store.
-- $40 DAZ Store GC

Winner in the Funniest category
– One item from the Dumor3D store.
-- $40 DAZ Store GC

Second place in the Best category:
–  Two items, no bundles, from First Bastion's store
-- $20 DAZ Store GC

Second place in the Funniest category:
–  One item from Totte's store.
--  $20 DAZ Store GC

Third place in each category:
-- $15 DAZ Store GC

4th place (Honorable mention 1):
-- $10 DAZ Store GC

5th place Honorable mention 2):
-- $5 DAZ Store GC

The voting starts now, and ends Sunday, January 31 at 23:59:59 DAZ Time.

How votes are tallied and summed up:

Voting points: 1st = 5 points, 2nd = 4 points, 3rd = 3 Points, 4th = 2 Points and Tiebreaker = 1 Point.

If an image gets 1st, two 2nd, one 4th and two tiebreakers in a category, that is 5 + 2x4 + 2 + 2x1 = 17 Points
Every image points per category is summed up, and top three is calcutaled in each category. As we now have five prizes, a maximum of two entries from the same artist can end up top three in each category, this is to spead the joy a little more. If two images ends up with the same score, we use the same rules as in the European Song Contest, the number of highter scores wins over many lower scores, so if one image has 5+5+5+1 (16) and another has 2+2+4+4+2 (16) the first one will come before.

To avoid votespamming, anyone voting needs to post here in this thead that they did vote, and use the same name as they have posting here as the DAZ Forum Name in the first question in the vote system at SurveyMonkey.



  • GopherusGopherus Posts: 1,103

    I ve voted.  Difficult as always.  Good luck to everyone!

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    I voted.  Good luck everyone. 

  • Voted. Seems like I missed a lot of fun in this contest...

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,813

    Votes in, those were really good renders! I'm sorry I didn't finish with commenting on the others in time, they would all have deserved  a comment.

  • EmsimEmsim Posts: 234

    I just voted.  Great entries everyone!  Good luck all!

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,697

    I voted. It was hard to choose as always. Thanks, Totte and sponsors! I look forward to the next one. laugh

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,355

    I voted. This was a good theme. Thanks for continuing to organize this, Totte.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,546

    Just checking the date this ends.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,086

    Thanks for bumping the thread, FirstBastion.  I have fallen behind.  Lots of renders to admire before I vote.

  • I voted.  Lots of great entries.  I had a few favorites and it was tough choosing and ranking.  Nice renders everyone!

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,187

    I'm glad someone bumped this thread as I'd forgotten to vote! All done now. Good luck to all.

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