Poser 10, Michael 5, DSON Importer, Install Manager

edited December 1969 in The Commons

So it's a combination problem...

On my Windows 8, 64-bit machine, I just installed Poser 10. I set my content folder to a new folder... C:/Poser Content

I installed Michael 5 and tried to add it to scene, but got a DSON error.

So I finally got that path set in the Installer's Settings to the main Poser folder (rather than C:/Poser Content) and it installed.

I then restarted Poser 10 and tried to add Michael 5. The DSON importer window pops up, the little timer runs...then it says it's done.

But Michael doesn't show up in the scene.

The Preview window lists: v Genesis v Body

The Parameters window has: v Genesis

But the figure isn't visible, and nothing renders when I try that. The default Poser figures do show up.

So....how do I manage to get Micheal 5, Victoria 5....and quite probably any DSON crippled items (not sure yet) to show up so I can use them?



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    Did you install the DSON Importer, Genesis Starter Essentials, Genesis Starter Essentials PCF, Michael 5, and Michael 5 PCF all with the Install Manager?

  • edited December 1969

    DSON, yes.
    ...everything before Michael 5, no
    Michael 5, yes.
    Michael 5, PCF yes.

    I'll try the other bits now and then report back.

  • edited December 1969

    Hooray! That worked! Thank you.

    So...did I miss something.... or is it just NOT written anywhere in any (ie: all) the downloadable content files: "You need to download and install , , , configure ," etc., etc., ??

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately, no -- DAZ3D Install Manager will install software first, then plugins, but it doesn't check that base figures are installed first, I don't think.

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