G2M to G3F Clothing Distortion

javamanojavamano Posts: 7

Hello group members.I hope someone can help me. I have the clothing "Chef Uniforms for Genesis 2 Male(s)" and I am trying to use it on a G3F figure via "Wear Them All - Autofitting Clones and Clothing Smoothers for Genesis 3 Female(s)". However, even after I use the smoothers and other adjustments I still get distortion in the clothing. See below:


The primary issue (left figure, G3F) is the narrowing (near the top) of the row of double buttons, as shown in the image. Any suggestion on what I can do? Thank you in advance.

Post edited by javamano on


  • What settings are you using in AutoFit? How does it look on an unmorphed Genesis 3 Female?

  • Hello Richard and thank you for responding. The clothing works on an unmodified G3F. I have tried settings ranging from default, zeros for all or most,and many other combinations. The distortion is unaffected. In my modified G3F the breasts are set to "gone". Perhaps the morph is conforming to the missing breasts?


  • Yes, if you apply a morph - assuming it is, as most are, set to AutoFollow  -then Daz Studio will attempt to modify the clothing so that it stays in the same relation to the mesh as the zeroed fit is to the base shape.

  • And the way to stop this from happening is...?

  • Turning off AutoFollow (in the Parameter Settings) stops DS from trying to match the morph and applying a Rigidity Map will stop it from following any morph, but clearly you don't want that here - I'm afraid you really need to make a custom morph to fit that shape.

  • Thank you very much Richard. I was afraid of that. Really appreciate your help.

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