The Stags Horn Fern

The Stags Horn Fern

  • $11.95
    • The Stags Horn Fern by: MartinJFrost, 3D Models by Daz 3D
    • $11.95
    Compatible Software: Daz to Unity Bridge, Daz to Maya Bridge, Daz to C4D Bridge, Daz to 3ds Max Bridge, Daz to Unreal Bridge
    Install Types:
    DazCentral DIM Manual Install

    Optional License Add-Ons:


    *Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.

    Artist: MartinJFrost
    Compatible Software: Daz to Unreal Bridge, Daz to Unity Bridge, Daz to Maya Bridge, Daz to C4D Bridge, Daz to 3ds Max Bridge
    Install Types: DazCentral DIM Manual Install

    Optional License Add-Ons:


    *Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.

  • Details

    The Stags Horn Fern (Platycerium sporophytes) is known as such because of its strange antler like fronds. It is an epiphitic fern (it lives on the branches of trees and rocks rather than on the ground)and is is native to tropical and temperate areas of South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Guinea.

    This bundle of five SolidGrowth fern plants for Vue 7 and up is a great way to add character to your jungles, woods and tropical scenes!

    The bundle comes with one low res plant which is great for using en mass, and four high res plants, all of which work wonderfully with Vue's eco painter either set to sit on top of an object such as a branch or rock, or to be growing from the side of a tree trunk, rock face or just about any solid surface!

    Vue 7 or up (will not work in pioneer editions with out ownership of the import module.)

    What's Included and Features

    • Five SolidGrowth Stagshorn Fern Plants for vue.
      • Four High resolution plants with detailed textures, great for close up or ecosystems.
      • One low resolution plant which is great for using en mass.
    • Vue 7 or up (will not work in pioneer editions with out ownership of the import module.)


    Vue 7 or up (will not work in pioneer editions with out ownership of the import module.)