M5 Genesis doesn't work with Poser's render Queue Manager???

edited December 1969 in The Commons

When I send any M5/V5 Genesis figure to the Poser 2012 Queue Manager, only the clothes and props get rendered. If I render it directly in Poser, it looks fine.

Does this mean that M5/V5 are incompatable with the Poser Queue Manager??? I hope not, as this would make the new Genesis products useless to anyone who needs to render on multiple computers for speed.

Can anyone comment?

1440 x 900 - 787K


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    I was unhappy to learn the same thing - it is true.
    NO Genesis in Queue Manager.

  • Cow WorldCow World Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    Hi Folks,

    This is Kraig from DAZ Tech support. I do not normally post in or read the forums, so if you have a follow up remark just for me, please send it to our tech support through our site. Thanks.

    A user mentioned this problem to me in a support ticket. I wasn't familiar with Poser's Queue Manager, so I got to learn something new. I spoke to a coworker in another department who is familiar with this issue. I hope I am relating it correctly.

    The DSON Importer plugin for Poser relies on python scripting. I turns out that the Queue Manager doesn't support python scripting. I'm not sure how that works, but it doesn't. This is why the Genesis and Genesis 2 figures don't appear in the render done with Queue Manager.

    In order for this to be changed, the SDK for Poser would need to be revised first. The SDK is the software that Smith Micro makes available for third-party developers to make software for Poser. Sorry, but that's the bare bones technical explanation.

    I am very happy that we are able to support Genesis and Genesis 2 in Poser. We had to ask Smith Micro to make some changes in order for the plugin even to work at all. Considering what DSON Importer plugin for Poser does, I think it's amazing that we can offer it free to our customers.

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