Urban Living

Urban Living

  • $29.95
    • Urban Living by: KindredArts, 3D Models by Daz 3D
    • $29.95
    Install Types:

    Optional License Add-Ons:


    *Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.

    Artist: KindredArts
    Install Types:

    Optional License Add-Ons:


    *Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.

  • Details

    This is a large-scale urban environment based on low-income housing estates found in the UK and Europe. The set includes different areas including larger and smaller buildings, garages, bridges, under/overpasses, seating areas and more. Each window in the set also includes a real room behind it, allowing each room to be lit independently should you wish to do so. Stock lighting presets are included, however.

    Every care has been taken to keep performance as high as possible whilst retaining quality. Textures are atlassed and polygons distributed with care, which makes the set both lightweight and dense without slowing render times.