Error save morph assets

Hi guys,

i have some problems with morphs. I create some morphs with ZBrush. (only played with moving topologie). I send it with goz back and i have my morphs under Zbrush. But when i want to save them as morph asset i get every time the error: can not safe look log file. Thats what my log file said:

2017-07-24 20:08:06.332 WARNING: fileoutput\dzassetoutfile.cpp(813): Failed to create file path.
2017-07-24 20:08:06.332 WARNING: dzmorphsupportassetfilter.cpp(795): Failed to write Morph Asset(s).
2017-07-24 20:08:08.994 Failed to save Morph Asset(s). See the log for more details.
2017-07-24 20:08:09.041 WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Why does it fail i dont get it.

Help me please 

great K4YT0

PS.: I tried it with g3f and g8f everytime the same fail.


  • What are you entering in the Author and product fields in the option dialogue? Where is the content diectory to which you are saving (listed at the top of the options dialogue) and can you save other fiels to it?

  • do u mean:

    Base data folder:

    Asset directory: (My DAZ3D Library)

    Vendor Name: (다夁쟑ﶩ㻘⃣縦斸다夁쟑ﶩ㻘⃣縦斸다夁쟑ﶩ㻘⃣縦斸다夁쟑ﶩ㻘⃣縦斸다夁쟑ﶩ㻘⃣縦斸다夁쟑ﶩ㻘⃣縦斸다夁쟑ﶩ㻘⃣縦斸다夁쟑ﶩ) dont know why this name

    Product Name:

    When u mean this i let it on the standart didnt changed anything there.

  • try entering soemthing using Western characters - it may be that yours are causing the validation to fail (which would be worth reporting as a bug, though there may be limits on what can be supported).

  • oh im not sure but maybe i found my problem. Maybe the vendor name is to long or other directoy but im not sure i changed both and now i can save.

    Thx for your help.Didnt noticed the changes of this options couse befor g8f was out i had no problems with it

    Great kayto

    Problem solved 

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